I am so excited for my 5k tomorrow.  I used my new Weight Watchers bag yesterday – not sure if its a lunch bag or not, but that’s what I am using it for.  

My original goal was to raise $100, and I am shocked that I am almost to $300!  Huge thank you to my Aunt Cele, my Mom, Carrie, Lynne, my MIL Bonnie, Debbie, Lisa and someone who donted in the memory of Diana – I only have $40 to go to raise $300 (I may have to hit up my bosses today!).   Here is my fundraising page link.

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I was just about to jump in the shower yesterday when I decided that I wanted a parfait for breakfast – only one tiny problem, I hadn’t made my fruit sauce yet – so quick and simple!  I took a cup of mixed berries out of the freezer, tossed them in a bowl and microwaved them for 1 minute to slightly defrost, then put then in a pan with 1/2 cup of water mixed with 1 teaspoon corn starch.  I cooked that over medium high heat while I was in the shower (literally 5 minutes) and when I came out, it was done.  And super hot!  I poured the sauce into a mason jar and had to wrap it in a dish towel to carry it to work.

Once at work I threw the sauce (still warm!) and the yogurt in the work freezer for 30 minutes.  Breakfast was 6 points.

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I wasn’t sure I was able to get away from my desk so I didn’t even try to get together with my sister.  I finally walked away and went to the farmers market in the Daley Center right across the street from my office.  I am definitely picking up a steak for dinner so I can use the crimini mushrooms I bought.  I actually always thought they were spelled cremini?!

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I almost pulled the trigger on this honey for the honeycomb alone – but $12?  But as I am looking at it now, I should have gotten it – buyers remorse!

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I loved all the colors of the peppers.  

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By the time I got back to the office, my blood sugar was 53 – so I ate super quick and didn’t really care what my picture looked like.

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Shocker, I worked late last night!  I told the HR manager that even if no one signs up for night secretary, that I would still have to stay late to get all my work done.  We’ll see how long I can do that, I am hoping after a couple more weeks of working for three partners and two paralegals, I’ll be able to get more of a work/life balance.  I do get paid overtime, so at least I have that going for me.  šŸ˜€

I didn’t start making my dinner until 9:15 last night.  I had thoughts of making a leftover french fry frittata, but Hannah and Jacob ate their leftovers too – I am shocked as shit because they hardly ever eat leftovers.  I love, love, delicata squash.  I love that you can eat the skin.  It takes a while for my oven to get to temp, so I ate at 9:45, but these squash take only 15 minutes at 425 – simply slice in half, scoop out the seeds, slice into half moons, drizzle with a bit of salt and pepper, and I used everything but the bagel seasoning.  In the last 5 minutes I threw in my leftover burger.

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I have a busy weekend and am so happy about that!  My walk tomorrow morning, lunch with Nicole on Saturday then my Mom has a concert on Sunday and we’ll be trying out a new place in Oak Park called Altiro, which is a Latin fusion restaurant – I think tiny plates, which my Mom and I love so we can try all different kinds of things.  

I am also on the brink of starting my Metabolic Reset with Steve Weatherford – I’ll talk more about it as I get more information today on Monday’s post, but I am excited.  

I can’t believe Hannah and Jacob’s wedding was already a week ago – time is flying by.  

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!