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Pork on a Stick and PPF!

Pork on a Stick and PPF!
Surprisingly, this week went by pretty quickly.  Since having a short week the week before when I went to Virginia, I thought this week would drag, but here we are at Friday! I think I am on a Mexican kick this week!  More breakfast tacos – although get ready for some yogurt parfaits – Chobani is sending me another case of yogurt – this time...
July 13, 2012

Barbecued Pork Steaks

Barbecued Pork Steaks
It’s becoming a habit that on Saturday mornings, after WW and running errands, I usually don’t eat until around 11:30 or 12:00.  Yesterday I had an egg sammie on my three hour baguette.   In case you are wondering, I am definitely making this bread again – soon! I baked up some corn chips – Danica cut her tortillas into 6ths, I did mine in 4ths...
April 22, 2012

Chicken and Apple Breakfast Sausage

Chicken and Apple Breakfast Sausage
I forgot to buy coffee the day before yesterday, but then remembered that my brother had given me pumpkin spice coffee – yum!  Thanks for all my Christmas loot Charlie and Laura! 😀  (BTW, click on Charlie’s name – he’s leaving the blog world for a while 🙁 ) No matter what time of year it is, I almost always have an iced coffee when...
January 3, 2012

Best Pork Chops Ever!

Best Pork Chops Ever!
I think you could call my theme of the day “freezer diving.”  With so much food in the house I was adamant about not going to the grocery store, even though one of my favorite grocery stores just opened up on November 30 in Crystal Lake – we have a Fresh Market! I went looking in the freezer to see what I could come up...
December 2, 2011

Pork Wontons and thanks!

Pork Wontons and thanks!
Thanks for all your comments yesterday on my speedy run – one of my co-workers thought I had sped up my feet somehow! For those of you who missed it, here is the video again, um – maybe with Tony’s commentary? [youtube=] He sent it to me at work yesterday and I just about peed my pants.  Thanks Tony! I love canned potatoes. They are...
October 28, 2011

Sometimes I am Cheap. And Pork Thai Stew.

Sometimes I am Cheap.  And Pork Thai Stew.
We had a really big toaster oven.  We don’t have a very big kitchen, and why I thought I needed a toaster oven that had a bun warmer, I have no idea.  I think I used the bun warmer twice?  This is what it looked like: We had it for years, and then to me, it seemed that it took twice as long to get...
October 25, 2011

Asian Pulled Pork Sammie

Asian Pulled Pork Sammie
I thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone’s comments to yesterday’s post.  While I don’t consider myself inspiring at all, I felt the virtual hugs from you all – and its nice to know I am not alone in the weight loss fight. 😀 Since I went to the gym Monday morning, I decided to walk before work yesterday morning.  The temperature was about 55, perfect fall morning. ...
October 12, 2011

Football Food and Kabobs

Football Food and Kabobs
If there is anything my husband enjoys more than football, it’s football food.  I decided to make him mini corn dogs – however, I learned a valuable lesson.  Um, you should always buy all beef hotdogs.  Turns out I bought the cheap “chicken and pork” variety, so while he enjoyed the coating, don’t skimp on the dog, okay? 😀 Corn Dogs – this is enough...
October 3, 2011

Spicy Thai Pork with Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Spicy Thai Pork with Mashed Sweet Potatoes
I saw Lori’s blog post where she had pumpkin oats and I was a tad bit jealous because my local store had a sign where the pumpkin should be that said “coming soon!”  I hope we don’t have a pumpkin shortage this year.  Otherwise how will I make my pumpkin scones with spicy glaze I’ve been craving once the weather starts to cool? So I...
August 31, 2011

Home Stretch for 101 Days of Summer and Easy Pork Egg Rolls

Home Stretch for 101 Days of Summer and Easy Pork Egg Rolls
This summer seems to be slipping through my finger tips.  School starts next week, and we’ve only got two weeks to go before Labor Day.  I told Tony that I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing Halloween candy in the stores soon! So my unofficial WI has me at 161, which is still down 12 pounds but I need to kick it into high...
August 21, 2011