I forgot to buy coffee the day before yesterday, but then remembered that my brother had given me pumpkin spice coffee – yum!  Thanks for all my Christmas loot Charlie and Laura! šŸ˜€  (BTW, click on Charlie’s name – he’s leaving the blog world for a while šŸ™ )

No matter what time of year it is, I almost always have an iced coffee when I blog in the morning using up the leftover coffee from the day before – its just as good as an iced coffee. šŸ˜€

Last year for Christmas my Aunt gave me a cookbook called Taste of Home Comfort Diet Food Cookbook.  One of the reasons I like it is because its normal ingredients most of us already have on hand.  I was flipping through it over the weekend and flagged a chicken breakfast sausage recipe – I tweaked it a bit to suit my taste, but it was inspired from that cookbook.

Chicken and Apple Breakfast Sausage

  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1 large apple, cored but leave the skin on
  • 2 teaspoons Penzey’s Italian sausage seasoning (or any seasoning you like)
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper (leave out if you don’t want the spice)
  • splash of Tabasco
  • salt and pepper

Throw everything in your food processor and mix well until combined.  I wanted 8 sausage patties, so I measured the whole mixture and divided by 8 – each patty was 2.75 ounces before cooking – and the best part?  ONLY TWO WW POINTS per patty – even 4 points for two!

These breakfast sausages were so good – slightly sweet from the apple, but a nice counter balance kick with the crushed red pepper.  These are a keeper, and Helen, I think these would qualify as Paleo, no?  And this breakfast was filling – I ate this at 11:00 and other than a slice of bread when I got home from the grocery store, didn’t eat anything until 7 when I made dinner!

Around 2 I went to the gym intending to get my last work out at the fancy gym and then cancel my membership and sign up at the cheaper gym.  I got my workout in – 45 minutes on the treadmill doing hills and sprints – my last two minute sprint was 6.5 mph. šŸ˜€

But there was no way I could get into the office to quit because so many people were joining the gym.  Our membership runs through January 13, so I asked the front desk and they said as long as I cancel by January 10 I won’t be charged anymore, so that’s the plan.

I only had a few things to pick up at the grocery store – I scored on the $1 rack with kiwi!

25 kiwi for $1 – I only had to throw two out because they were too ripe.

I separated them into two groups – ripe and REALLY ripe.  The really ripe ones are in the bowl on the right.

The super ripe ones I cut into chunks then put them on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and froze them into kiwi cubes for Hannah’s smoothies – she loves kiwi. šŸ˜€

Tony still doesn’t have much of an appetite, so it was dinner for one for me.  I defrosted some pork chops – one for dinner last night and I plan on making some pulled pork with the other two for lunches later this week.  My dinner turned out so good!

  • 3 ounce pork chop
  • 1/2 fuji apple
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1/2 ounce pecans
  • 3 ounces cooked potatoes, diced
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup white wine

I melted the butter in a non-stick skillet and added the apple, pecan and brown sugar.  I sauteed for about 5 minutes, or just until the apples start to brown, then set them aside.  I then added the diced potatoes and cooked them until they started to crisp up and brown, about 5 more minutes, then set them aside.  I then cooked the pork chop that I seasoned with Greek seasoning and salt and pepper.

Once the pork chop was almost done, I added the potatoes and apple/pecan mixture back in, then added the wine and dijon mustard, put a lid on top and let it cook for 2 minutes.

This whole plate is 12 WW points and worth every single one!

Can I just say that I was bummed I had to set my alarm this morning to go to work?

I finished everything I wanted this weekend except I didn’t finish organizing my clothes/closet – I think every night this week I will spend about 15 minutes on it, it should be done by the weekend at that rate – no big.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend – come back tomorrow for blueberry waffles that come in at 7 WW points for two!

Make it a great day!