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Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles
It started out rainy, but warm #win!  By the time I got downtown, it stopped raining and it was near 50 degrees.  The river was still partially frozen, but it was a glimpse of spring and it was a glorious walk to my office from the train station. These muffins.  OMG.  I am posting the recipe for these tomorrow, but they taste like a potato...
January 23, 2018

Skinny Empanadas

Skinny Empanadas
If you are on Weight Watchers connect, there are several members who somehow are trending – I don’t understand why a handful of people always get the same recogniztion day after day, when I see other people who are killing it and get no attention at all.  Such is social media, right? A member called “Mudhustler” has a recipe for a Big Ass Waffle...
January 10, 2018

Chicken Marsala Meatballs

Chicken Marsala Meatballs
It’s funny living in the midwest when you feel that 30 degrees is so warm, but that first day in October or November when we dip into the 30s, we are like “it’s so fricken cold! Why do I live here?”  But have subzero temps, it was a joy to walk to the office in 30 degree weather. I plan on posting my take on...
January 8, 2018

Cheesy Chicken Meatballs

Cheesy Chicken Meatballs
I will always take cold weather and sunny skies over snow days and 35 degrees.  Although yesterday with the windchill, it felt like 2 degrees.  Let’s just say I don’t mind those temps if I am at home, on my comfy sofa with the dogs and a fire going in the wood burning stove.  I plan on making a batch of the skinny bagels over...
December 15, 2017

Everything Chicken

Everything Chicken
I had a feeling yesterday was going to be a busy work day, but it was literally non-stop.  The only reason I had time to put together this quick parfait was because my computer locked up and I had to wait for it to reboot. Chobani yogurt (2), banana, homemade strawberry sauce (1) topped with 1/4 cup of granola (3) with a hard boiled egg...
October 3, 2017

Easy Chicken Tikka Masala

Easy Chicken Tikka Masala
My train was delayed yesterday because of mechanical problems.  It was the first day back for my one boss who’s been on vacation for two weeks, and I thought for sure it was going to be a crazy busy day, so I took the early train.  Well, I got on the platform to catch my train at 7:05 and didn’t sit down to my desk...
August 1, 2017

Skinny Chicken Parm Panini Sandwiches

Skinny Chicken Parm Panini Sandwiches
While I posted waffles on my instagram yesterday topped with whipped cream, that was Sunday’s breakfast.  Yesterday I made these sweet and savory strawberry shortcake waffles – holy cow was this delicious!  I used the everything but the bagel seasoning with the egg whites (1) the waffle (4) and a drizzle of sugar free pancake syrup (1).  A delicious and filling 6 smart point breakfast...
June 13, 2017

Goat Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Chicken with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Goat Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Chicken with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce
I have to laugh at my blog post title today.  My blog friend Tieghan from Half Baked Harvest (well, she probably doesn’t know who I am, but I still consider us friends!) usually has the longest blog title recipe posts, but I think this beats here longest! Before we get to dinner though, let’s start with breakfast, shall we?!  Today was a lower carb day,...
April 4, 2017

Chicken 101

Chicken 101
I hadn’t been to Weight Watchers in two weeks, so I had no idea how my weigh in was going to be.  Working two jobs last week every day meant my eating was all over the place.  Not that I ate bad necessarily, but there were times when I ate a late breakfast and lunch, and got home late and never ate anything for dinner...
August 31, 2016

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala
This chicken tikka masala will soon make it to the top of your must make dish.  So full of flavor!   But first I had another breakfast pizza – this time with the whole wheat avocado bread as my base!   My pizza – 3 ounces of dough, 1/4 cup of pizza sauce, baby spinach, 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese and 1 whole egg. I’d have to...
March 9, 2010