More chia pudding!  I love that it takes less than a minute to make, and it provides breakfast for a couple days.  5 points for this bowl – damn granola, why do you have to be so many points?!

Another super busy day at work – I hope to power through today so I don’t have to stay late again – I have a goal to hit the gym 3 times during the work week, and well, it’s Wednesday and that just hasn’t happened yet.

I did break away to meet my sister for lunch.  I needed to accessorize my sub sandwich for lunch so we walked to our happy place – Mariano’s!  It was a gorgeous day.  I guess we both like patterned shirts too 😀

I bought some baby spinach and cheddar cheese for .72 cents.  I also bought $1 bag of their homemade chips – so good!  

My chicken meatballs morphed into this meatball sub sandwich.  A 2 point hot dog bun, the meatball mixture is 3 points, and the ounce of chips was 4 points for a delicious 9 point lunch.

I guess I missed the memo on the rain yesterday.  When I left the office at 6 it had already rained downtown, and when I got off the train at home at 7:30, the rain ended and I don’t know if you can see it, but there is a faint rainbow in this pic:

My fellow Weight Watchers have probably heard of Star from The Skinnyish Dish (formerly known as Daily Dose of Pepper).  She’s got tons of Weight Watcher friendly dishes, that are simple, easy to make, yet taste delicious.  I’ve seen her pickle chicken around the interwebs for months, and every time I saw someone make it, I thought – I need to put that on the menu!

Well, I finally did, and am kicking myself that I didn’t try it sooner.  I did switch up her recipe a bit, but doing a double batter.  I wasn’t exactly sure how many points my dinner was going to be, but I had 10 points going into dinner, so called dinner 10 points.

This morning I put the whole recipe into the WW recipe builder, and for 4 servings, the chicken comes in at only 2 points per serving!  I even added a tablespoon of oil to account for the oil I fried the chicken in!  #score

My thought was that the chicken was going to taste like dill pickles, which I wouldn’t hate because I love dill pickles.  But what the pickle juice did was to tenderize the chicken and it was super juicy and tender.  I made a wet batter of one egg, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk and seasonings.  I dipped the chicken in the flour, then the wet batter, and back to the flour.  

Is this fake out take out or what?!   The chicken was crispy, yet tender and juicy on the inside.  On the side was 5 ounces of home fries, some celery for some crunch and spicy ketchup and ranch for dipping.  I ate every bite. 😀  Thanks Star for the inspiration!

pickle chicken


I didn’t do too bad on my steps yesterday, even without hitting the gym.

How the heck is it August already!  This summer seems to be slipping through my fingers.  Momma, we still need to do our trip to Springfield.  

I had a loss for the month of July – even a mere 1.2, but I say it all the time, without Weight Watchers, I could have easily been up 5 pounds considering I was on vacation in July.

What are your August goals?  Me – have a loss on the scale every week.  I am tired of doing the down 2 pounds, up a pound and maintaining.  We’ll blink and it will be January 1 and I don’t want to start where I did this past January.  

Tell me your goals!  I’d love to hear them.  Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!