I can usually get so much done at work in an hour before my actual start time without any distractions.  Yesterday I had plans of taking the early train in, but even though I had 5 minutes to spare (which is cutting it close for me!) the train that was supposed to come at 6:58, came at 6:53. And sat for 5 minutes and then left.  But I was behind the gate, so there was nothing I could due.  Luckily because it’s the morning rush, I only had to wait 15 minutes for the next train, but since I live in the “sticks” it’s usually an hour between trains.  

It was a gorgeous morning, so I didn’t mind sipping my coffee looking at this beautiful sky.

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I hit the ground running when I got to work.  The movers are already starting to move stuff, and while I really like my boss and told him my strategy for getting his office packed up, he said “can we just concentrate on the work first?”  Um, okay, but I don’t know what moving fairies he thinks are going to pack up his office.

Before I knew it, I looked up and it was nearly 2 and I hadn’t eaten lunch yet.  This may seem like a weird combo, but it was really good.  We were told to remove our condiments and take them home sooner rather than later, and I forgot I had this wasabi sauce in there.  Those are leftover ham roll ups in butter lettuce, cucumbers with light goddess dressing, 1/2 ounce of cheese and two tangerines.   Lunch was 5 smart points.

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When I was cleaning out the downstairs fridge, I saw that I had a package of Nasoya Shiritaki noodles (I found them at Walmart) that were about to expire.  I bought them when Hannah and Jacob started their keto diet, since there aren’t any carbs in them.  The each took one bite and spit them out – they said it felt like they were eating worms.  I wondered if I pan fried if that would help with the taste?


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That’s a dinner plate of food for only 4 smart points!

I didn’t figure out my points for the day yesterday until this morning, and I only ate 12 points yesterday.  But I think my body was okay with that after all I ate on Easter!  Too many chips, cheese, crackers, wine.  I think it was my body’s way of detoxing from the overeating πŸ˜›  But I was full, I got home late so didn’t eat dinner until nearly 8:15, so didn’t feel hungry before going to bed.  

I did decide that it’s worth it to get lunch out a couple times this week to get some healthy food during my crazy work days.  I think Roti will be on tap for today – lots of veggies and chicken.  Yum!

Make it a great day!