Last night a few people from my firm and two lucky winners of my giveaway, attended the Culinary Care Gala at the Chicago History Museum.  Um, I feel kind of bad because before this event, I didn’t even know this museum existed. 🙁

There were so many people in attendance that we didn’t even get to all the food venues, but I ate plenty!  Sadly I took mostly video but did manage to take a few pics of my favorite dishes.

This beet and pear salad with avocado was stunning.  I’ve never had that combination before and it was delicious.

I got to see my friends at Fisk & Co. – Chef Ashlee even recognized me – how cool was that!  Well, after he saw my name tag with Biz on it – he said “Hey – you are My Bizzy Kitchen!”  I could have eaten about 100 of these crostini.

My favorite dish because it was so unusual was this cold butternut squash salad with savory granola.   It had a creamy goat cheese over the top – cannot wait to try to recreate this one at home – and not surprisingly I think I am going to make a savory granola out of the Safe + Fair Honeycrisp Apple Granola by adding fried rosemary to it – stay tuned!  They are SO CLOSE to selling out the Honeycrisp Apple – if you buy 5 bags you’ll get free shipping and with my discount code of Biz25 – I think it’s like $22 for 5 bags – not a bad deal!

Huge thanks to Megan and Linda who were my giveaway winners.  Linda drove two hours and Megan lives almost in Indiana!   They tasted things they had never even heard of let alone tasted.  It seemed like every other station had some sort of raw fish and a lot of dishes were spicy, so we decided to use the hashtag #rawfishandspicyshit – I am so proud at how adventurous you were at eating new foods!

Next year though – comfy shoes.  And I never saw a coat check and was dragging my backpack around all night – didn’t see it until the end of the night – oh well!

It was a long day – didn’t get home until after midnight, but it was so worth it.  

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!