Certified Angus Beef ® brand really put on a fantastic weekend.  They are so well organized from making flight and hotel reservations, our outings, the private restaurant meals – its an amazing experience and I am happy to sing Certified Angus Beef ® brand praises.

So what is Certified Angus Beef ® brand?  This is how I like to describe it – much like Purdue Chicken is a brand of chicken, Certified Angus Beef ® brand is a brand of beef – that has amazingly high standards.  Only 4% of all angus beef qualifies as Certified Angus Beef ® brand.

Our first dinner on Thursday night was at The Plum in Cleveland.  Chef Brett Sawyer worked under another famed Cleveland chef by the name of Jonathan Sawyer – no relation by the way – and I loved how intimate the setting was since it was closed just for our group of about 20 people.

Um, just check out our menu?!  While I am not a fan of tomato seeds, I scooped those out and enjoyed this refreshing tomato salad.

The Farm Greens Salad had the most amazing dressing.

The chuck roll with horseradish sauce was amazeballs – depending on where you live, it can also be called chuck eye roast or a chuck pot roast.  

The star of the show for me though – BEEF BELLY!  I know!  I never heard of it either.  But it was spectacular – like quite possibly the best dish I’ve ever had in my life.  I am going to have to ask Jacob’s grandpa if they can get me beef belly at the butcher shop he works at.

Beef belly with macerated berries – what?!  It all worked together in the best way possible.  The beef was so tender and the fatty parts were like pats of butter.  I know my brother and sister are probably throwing up in their mouths a bit – not sure either one of them would touch this with a 10-foot pole!  I think my Mom would like it though!

If you live in Cleveland, you have to check this restaurant out.  I absolutely fell in love with that city – its so cute!  I need to go back and check out the West Street Market – the restaurants on 4th trip – I see a road trip in my near future!

This was the perfect bite . . . my mouth is literally drooling as I type this.

I was already in a beef coma with all I ate, but as soon as they dropped the plates for the shared dessert, I knew I had to partake – that’s the pattern of Corelle plates my Mom and Dad had growing up – Mom, in case you are wondering, those are considered “vintage from the 70’s.” 😀

Strawberry Vanilla Tres Leches Cake.  Both point worthy and insulin worthy!  And in case anyone is wondering, I didn’t count points at all last weekend – just enjoyed this amazing foodie adventure bite by bite.

What an amazing start to an amazing weekend!  Stay tuned tomorrow as I show you the Culinary Test Kitchens of Certified Angus Beef ® brand.  If I lived in near this place, I would fight to work there – such an amazing company.

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day!