What a wonderful weekend.  It was best of both worlds – lazy and productive!  Saturday was overcast and it rained a bit on and off.  I finally cleaned my room, which literally only took me about 30 minutes.  The problem is that I need a different dresser to organize my clothes, and because of that, I felt it was necessary to just store my clothes in baskets around my room.  It felt nice to have that organized.

I know for Mother’s Day you are supposed to let your kids do everything, but well, being in my kitchen IS my happy place.  I wanted to make some banana muffins because I needed to use some up.  Now here’s the thing.  I am not a good baker.  Bread – yes, but muffins and things – it was a running joke when my husband was alive because I legit forgot to add sugar to muffin recipes at least half a dozen times.

I’ve been using Splenda for so long, that I don’t taste an artificial sweetener taste.  However, I know some people do.  So my trick is to add just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon sugar on top of each muffin – it’s only 8 calories for 1/2 a teaspoon, and because you taste the real sugar in each bite, your brain thinks the muffin is all sugar.

Guys – these are the best muffins I’ve ever made.  They almost have a coffee cake taste and texture to them.

Hannah gave these two giant thumbs up.  Jacob?  He doesn’t like bananas in recipes.  That’s okay – more to give to my Mom and Jacob’s Mom. 😀

I gave all the muffins away, otherwise I would have brought one to work today.  No worries, I can make more tonight! 

The Safe + Fair blueberry cinnamon granola was the perfect crunch on top.  Don’t forget you can use my discount code Biz25 at checkout to save 25% on your order AND free shipping.  You can check out their website here.

And the 1/3 cup chocolate chips was just enough – you got a chocolatey taste in each bite.  #swoon


After hanging out with Hannah and Jacob in the morning, I went to spend the afternoon with my Mom.  You know, being my Mom’s favorite, I had to give her something to remind her of that – hence these socks with my face on them.  How funny!  She plans to wear them to Mahjong tomorrow. 

And one of my Instagram friends Barbara sent me this shirt a couple months ago – “I’m the favorite daughter!”  Love.

We are both low key about Mother’s Day – we don’t need reservations at a fancy restaurant – I hate the feeling of being rushed.  So we chose a Thai restaurant that got really good reviews not far from her house.  It was so good!

I got the panang curry with shrimp – so flavorful.  I barely ate half of it, but I’ll use the rest this week in one of my meals.

Hannah hosted Mother’s Day dinner at our house and invited Jacob’s Mom and family.  I had a bunless burger, zucchini, fruit and Hannah’s amazeball tater tot side dish.  

While I wish the temperature was warmer, it was a great weekend.  Longtime readers know how Hannah came into my life, but in case you are new around here – you can check out that post here.

And she got me this Kitchen Diary book – I am forever writing my recipes on scraps of paper and putting them in my junk drawer – can’t wait to have one place to keep all of them – thank you Hannah!

And Jacob isn’t a touchy feely kind of guy, but I got a hug from him, which is the best present. 😀  I only get like 4-5 of them from him a year – ha!

I loved the message in my fortune cookie – LIVE FOR TODAY, remember yesterday and plan for tomorrow.  #love

Happy Monday friends.  If you are a Mom, hope you had a great day yesterday.  If you were missing your Mom, or still struggling to become a Mom – sending giant virtual hugs to you.

Make it a great day!