I had over 17,000 steps the day before yesterday and as I was going to bed and took my fitbit off, the low battery icon started flashing at me.  I have the Fitbit Zip, so it takes a 3v battery, not a normal battery that you have lying around your house.  Well, at least not around my house.   Luckily I walk right past a CVS on my way to work so I was back in business by the time I got to my desk – maybe lost a couple thousand steps, but I know I took those steps Open-mouthed smile

I haven’t had a breakfast sammie in a while.  I stocked up on an 18 pack of Thomas light English muffins at Sam’s Club (3 points each) and had egg whites (1), deli ham (1) baby spinach and 1/2 ounce of provolone cheese (2) for a nice and delish 7 point breakfast.

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Speaking of English muffins, my buddy Andris who invented the Baking Steel just posted his new and improved English muffin recipe – this is going on the very top of my list of things to make!

english muffins

As luck would have it my boss was out of the office yesterday, and when my sister asked if I wanted to walk, um, duh – I said yes!

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She wanted to check out my office and walked 10 minutes to my office, I gave her a quick tour and and then I got my walking shoes on.  It’s funny, I said we had to take a goofy picture and we both winked our eyes!

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OMG, we basically just walk and laugh, walk and laugh.  It’s nice seeing her so much.  She had to head back and I still had time to walk so I walked further west from my office – so many food choices! 

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I am interested in trying this out, being the pizza whore that I am.  And only $5 for a simple pie – well within my $20 splurge budget.  It’s already Thursday and I’ve only spent $2.13 Open-mouthed smile

When I got back, I reheated my ramen leftover from my cooking class.  Only one word can describe it – gummy.  I should have separated the noodles from the broth, but after sitting in the fridge overnight in the broth, then heating it in the microwave, the texture was just all wrong.  Note to self: best eaten the day made!

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So before dinner I probably had 10 smart points and was really hungry.  While I meal planned over the weekend, I did “shop” from my freezer and pantry and forgot I had picked up some apple pork brats from Cliff’s Pork at the Frankfort Farmers Market I bought on the last day that I worked there.  This meal was 16 smart points, but so worth it!  9 points for the brat, 4 points for the Rosen mini French bread, and maybe a few of the tempura green beans I made for Hannah made it on my plate for 3 more points.

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So Tony’s been on my mind lately.  Not like he isn’t always a glimmering thought every day, but my step-son and I were talking about how he would have voted for – he equally hated Trump and Clinton both, so a part of me thinks that he wouldn’t have voted for either!  But he LOVED watching the election results and I miss his political commentary.

Yesterday morning on the ride to work I went through my usual social media avenues to catch up on everyone, and saw that I posted this on Instagram two years ago.

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And then I remembered writing this post about how I had to stop cooking at 11:00 a.m. on a Sunday because the smell of food made Tony want to throw up.  I cringe when I think I wanted to spend time in the kitchen and felt cheated that I had to watch football Sunday with him, basically while he slept the day away with the remote in his hand.  It’s hard to imagine that I would be saying goodbye to my husband a mere 23 days later. 

Can you believe it’s almost two years ago already?!