I can’t remember the last time I made a yogurt parfait, but it just sounded really good to me.  I had to spend 4 points for that measly amount of granola, but it’s so good.  I bought it at Whole Foods for a rediculous amount of money – $5 for a small container – it’s called flax granola clusters?  #swoon.  I just have to come to terms that there will never be a good low point granola.  Breakfast was 4 points or 304 calories.

Another gorgeous day in Chicago – it was 81 degrees by the time I left the office.  If I had my bosses view not sure I’d ever get any work done. 

My sisters office has Wellness Week all week – on Monday she was in charge of making smoothies for 300 people – it was a huge success.  She’s got events all week, so I don’t think we will be getting our walking shoes in together this week.  One of their events was going to a farmers market – I forget about this one which is about 5 blocks from my office and held every Tuesday.

I love all the produce!  Of course, you know I was on the hunt for delicata squash!

I bought a bunch of these Vanessa grapes – so sweet and delicious!

My sister texted me and told me they were already sold out of the delicata squash!  Probably because I broke the internet with my amazeballs battle delicata squash. Ha!

Well wouldn’t you know, I found some delicata squash!   It was in a bin of other squashes, but none of the squash labeled on the sign indicated that delicata squash was among them.  Score for me!

My sister texted me squash she picked up – which was a “potato” squash.  The flesh on the inside is supposed to resemble mashed potatoes.  She asked me how to cook it, and I suggested poking it with a fork and starting with 5 minutes in the microwave.  She did that, removed the seeds and it did resemble mashed potatoes!  

Jenn – you should make potato squash fritters!  Mix some of the squash with an egg, seasonings, shape into patties and dredge in bread crumbs and pan fry?  I’ll have to pick one of those up next time!  Curious to see if you make anything with it for your breakfast today.

I made another Greek meatball naan for my lunch yesterday, paired with some of those grapes I bought at the farmers market – so good.  Lunch was 9 points or 394 calories.  This recipe will be my next Chopping Block recipe and will post next week on their site.

Here are just a few of the people that made my #delirings – which is the hashtag my friend Judy came up with because we think these will convert any non-loving delicata squash person into a lover of them.

Shandi even made an egg in a basket with the #delirings for breakfast!  Totally stealing that idea.

And my new bestie made them and declared to everyone “you need to make these now!” 

Shandi made hers with Hidden Valley Ranch powdered seasoning for the seasoning – love that idea!

I had to work a bit late last night, but was happy I caught the 6 express which would get me home at 7 – plenty of time to make my Dragon Noodles I’d been thinking about all day.  

But because of severe storms in my neighborhood, there were downed trees on the train tracks, and I didn’t get home until 9:00 p.m.  A nearly 3 hour and 15 minute commute home from when I left my office.

Luckily I have a very efficient fridge, and even this morning all my fridge ingredients and freezer stuff were still cold and frozen.  

But, that ham sandwich I made for dinner doesn’t look like Dragon Noodles to me!

That’s what I was going to make with added veggies.  You can find Beth’s original recipe here.

Luckily I had just charged my tablet, so the dogs and I snuggled on the couch and watched Netflix.  I also used that as my alarm this morning because my phone died even before I went to sleep.

I thought for sure during the night the power would come back on, but that would be a big fat no.  At least it was great sleeping weather in the 50s.  But it is SO quiet where we live, it took me a while to get to sleep with no fan on.  Back in 2011 we were without power for 80+ hours, so hopefully it won’t take that long to restore.

But no power = no water because I have well water.  Is this the Universe’s way of telling me that I should go to the gym?  Because they have showers there!

Even without any power, there as so many worse world problems out there.  And tonight is Cooking Club – the beginning of our FOURTH season together.  You can check out our first get together in this post.  

A lot can happen in three years!  Can’t wait to catch up with everyone and see what they are up to.  

Happy Wednesday my friends – make it a great day!