Lately I’ve been eating later breakfasts, which basically turn into lunch and I may or may not have a snack of a piece of cheese in the late afternoon to hold me until dinner.  What I have to do is go back to how my schedule was when I had a regular 9-5.  Because even on a work day when I don’t have to be to work until 3:30 or 4:30, it’s too easy to stay up late watching Netflix and sleep in.  And well, I am not a teenager and need to get it together.  And if I stay up later, usually the snacking takes over, and before I know it, I’ve eaten three slices of cheese with Triscuits and pickles.  Best combo by the way if you ask me. (and I wonder how I keep maintaining my weight and not lose any!)Open-mouthed smile

I was off work yesterday and it’s crazy how with more time, I don’t feel I get nearly as much stuff done as I would if I worked all day.  It’s like I need to have more on my plate to stay organized – is it the same with you?

I had brunch around 11:30 yesterday – breakfast baked potato with leftover steak.  7 ounce baked potato (5) that I scrambled with egg whites, baby spinach and 3 ounces of beef (3) topped with an ounce of reduced fat muenster cheese (3) and diced tomato.

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I put that on Instagram and was thrilled that Daniel Krieger liked it!

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He’s only got about 150k followers on Instagram – no big deal Open-mouthed smile

I find that I can keep on a schedule if I write a to do list, because I am all about crossing off stuff on lists.  Especially if I don’t feel like doing something, I feel compelled to do it so that I can just cross it off the list!  I got my cleaning pants on.  I am notorious for moving cleaning supplies all around the house depending on what room I am working in.  If the cleaning supplies are under the kitchen sink, and I take them and clean the bathroom, 9/10 I will just relocate the cleaning supplies to the bathroom.  It basically drives Hannah nuts.

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So Hannah relocated all of the cleaning supplies to the inside of the hall closet and I have to say, I love it.  Now I know where to find everything.  Thanks Hannah!

Also on my list yesterday?  Going to the gym.  Which I finally did at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I don’t know why I fight it so much.  I’ve never once regretted a workout, but I think just like anything, once it’s not in your normal routine it’s hard to jump back on that bandwagon.  Another area I need to get it together.

I don’t think I mentioned it yesterday, but Hannah and Jacob are going vegetarian for 30 days.  Well, it won’t be hard for Hannah since she’s flexitarian already, but Jacob loves meat, so it will be interesting.  While I made beef and bean lettuce wrap tacos last night, Hannah made them a chopped salad with seasoned black beans, cilantro lime rice and pico de gallo.   I had 15 points going into dinner, so I am not exactly sure how many points my dinner was, but my guess is around 10 with the tortilla chips.

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That was delish!  I bought baby peppers and sauteed them in a touch of grapeseed oil.  It was National Taco Day so I had to have something resembling tacos for dinner.

Yep, it’s another day off for me today!  I have lunch plans with an old co-worker (hey Renee!) and am looking forward to catching up with her.  I also plan on getting to the gym later today and Hannah and I will finally get our eyebrows threaded, something we’ve talked about for the last three days.

Any tips or tricks on how you keep your life together?  I am all ears!

Make it a great day!