Yesterday I had 41 points.  Which is nearly twice the daily point total of my daily 23 allotted points.  By last night Tuesday, I’d already been through all my weeklies plus some (and a reminder that these points are all food – no alcohol).  If this were me last week I would have said “fuck it” and considered the week a wash because why bother when I’ve already “ruined” the week.

The good news is that I know I am not alone in this mentality.  I think I’ve always had it, but when you are young and super athletic, you can eat whatever you want and stay slim.  Hell, when I finished my freshman year of college I got “up to” 125 pounds and I couldn’t believe I’d gotten that heavy.  Mind you, I was also strength training because of field hockey, so I now know that was a lot of muscle weight.

But here’s the thing.  After entering my 41 points worth of food into My Fitness Pal, I only at 1,376 calories yesterday, which included 6 smart points or 140 calories worth of coffee creamer – I can’t help it – I love my hazelnut creamer!

So I am totally fine being in the negative weeklies by Tuesday.  I don’t have to “throw the week away” so to speak, because I have not been off the rails.  But if I were only counting points I’d have a completely different mindset.  Does this make any sense??

My macros for the day, even though I am not tracking them, it’s interesting to me.

Yesterday was a busy work day.  While I made vanilla bean scones for my roommates (you can find that recipe here), I still had some of my oatmeal crunch apple scones, so I ate that with a hard boiled egg, ounce of ham, and some grapes – 9 points or 399 calories.

I worked through most of my lunch, but finally heated up my spaghetti squash chicken sausage lunch.  This was super tasty, although I wish I would have brought about 1/2 cup more sauce.  6 smart points or 256 calories.  I forget how much I like spaghetti squash – but I never think to eat it in the spring or summer. 

My new friend from Weight Watchers, Jen, who finally got the nerve up to day hello to me at our Weight Watchers meeting over the summer, met me for dinner last night with her husband Bill.   He had to meet this person “Biz” who his wife talks about all the time.  You see, Jen isn’t much of a cook.  Baking – that’s her jam.  But coming up with daily meals doesn’t come naturally to her.  

When we first went to the meat bin together I was like “oh, I could make x, y and z with this protein” she was like a deer caught in the headlights.  I realized I had to show her my ways, so to speak, and said to take baby steps and why not just try one or two new recipes a week and build on that.

Our local restaurant has $2 burgers on Tuesday nights.  I got a side salad and opted for their homemade chips instead of fries.  Of course, if tots were an option, I would have gotten those – duh.  The purple onions and tomatoes are just a show for the picture, and I immediately removed them from my salad – ew.

The burger was good, but not anything like their gourmet burgers they normally sell.  I think these were just frozen patties, but hey, for $2 bucks, you can’t beat it.

Bill wanted to thank me because since I’ve known Jen she’s cooked more in the last couple months than she has in the last. . . 27 years they have been married.  Not kidding about that.  It makes my heart happy that I can get someone else Bizzy in their Kitchen – and Bill said not only is he having home cooked meals for dinner but he even has leftovers to bring to work the next day – #winning!

It was a fun night out on a weekday, and turns out I can go out and not order a beer or a wine – and this place has my favorite beer Fat Tire on tap!  #dryseptember is more than half way over!  Not that I am counting down the days until October 1 or anything like that. 😀

Rummy was so happy to see me, she nearly fell asleep in my arms, and it was only 8!  But she would like to remind you the order of your side dish choice – tots are #1, then homemade chips, then fries are last.  

I should have a productive day because it’s a Jewish holiday and two of my bosses are out today.  I am definitely walking with my sister today no matter what!  I’ve had to blow her off the last two days because of work.  I’ve still managed about 12,000 steps a day, even without my lunch time walk.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the calories vs. points debate.  

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!