I don’t get sick very often.  On Monday when I was cooking away the day I was getting colder and colder, even though it was 68 degrees in the house (I turned UP the heat from 64, which is what I normally keep it at.)  By 9:00 that night I was shivering under the covers, had a slight fever and a dry cough.  Damn.  Hannah was so cute though.  She brought the humidifier that’s normally in her bedroom and put it in my room.  She tucked me in and turned out the light.  So sweet.

Yesterday morning I still felt a bit off.  Still had the cough, felt achy all over.  I walk by a CVS after I get off the train and bought Aleve and Musinex.  Those both did wonders!  Within a half hour my body no longer ached and I barely coughed throughout the whole day.  Fingers crossed this will pass soon.  I haven’t worked out since Saturday, so I’ll have to really concentrate on my food choices to have a loss on the scale this week.

While I did not feel hungry in the slightest, I knew if I wanted to take medicine I had to eat something.  Well, after the first bite, I cleaned my plate.  One cup steel cut oats, with the last of my macerated berries – which were so liquidy, I just decided to add them to the bowl, with fresh blueberries.  5 smart points for breakfast.

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I usually walk at lunch, so it was weird to have an actual “lunch hour” to eat my lunch.  Again, wasn’t hungry, but managed to eat 3/4 of my lemon orzo soup, and a slice of my muesli bread for 9 points.  Probably the most pitiful lunch picture I’ve taken in a while!

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Work was actually steady busy, and even though I didn’t have a structured workout, still managed to get in 12,200 steps yesterday.  I still haven’t grocery shopped, and it’s weird that if I make it to Wednesday and haven’t shopped, I pretty much can eat with what I have on hand.   I was doing a mental checklist on the train ride home (after I took a nap for 45 minutes!) and realized I could make broccoli pasta with sweet Italian sausage for dinner.   One cup pasta (5) 4 ounces sweet Italian sausage (4) and a cup of broccoli.

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I ate about 3/4 of the plate before I was really stuffed.  I was under my points for the day, so I made popcorn as a night snack for 5 smart points (oil popped) so that I could continue my blue dot streak!

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For those who don’t know, the blue dots mean that I ate between 27-37 points per day, or within the “healthy eating zone.”  I get 30 points for the day, and now that I am under 170, 28 flex points for the week.  My next WI is Thursday and I still have 21 weekly points I haven’t used yet. 

I have a new food find for you – I haven’t looked for them yet, but my WW friend on Instagram Christina brings these to Mexican restaurants to dip into salsa – 41 crackers for only 3 smart points!   (oh, and she just made goal last week after losing 137 pounds!)  Sorry it’s blurry – it was a screen shot of her Instagram Story Open-mouthed smile

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I was in bed by 10:30 last night and didn’t wake up until 6:30 this morning.  I took another Aleve and my Musinex before bed and I am feeling better.   A good nights sleep makes all the difference, doesn’t it?!

I saw this on Connect on the WW app – and thought it was worth a share – here is your Wednesday Wisdom.  Make it a great day!

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