We went apple picking this weekend!!  And by we – I mean me, Hannah AND Jacob!  Which was the inspiration for these pumpkin apple waffles – its like fall just threw up in your mouth in the best way possible.

That’s basically how I write recipes – I look online, take something from one recipe, something from another, then throw my two cents in and bam – I have a recipe!  Sometimes they taste like ass, but I lucked out on this one – I mean, how can you go wrong with pumpkin and apple.

I blended the pumpkin, milk, greek yogurt, egg and vanilla for several minutes so the liquid was so fluffy when I added it to the dry ingredients.  I folded in the shredded apple at the end, and regardless of what that recipe says up there, in the end, I shredded two apples, because one didn’t seem like enough.

Mix the shredded apple in just until combined.  Using a 2/3 cup measure (for a regular waffle iron) I got six large waffles out of this recipe.  5 points for the whole thing, or 3 points for half.

This is the waffle maker I have – I’ve had it for years, but it’s around $20 and doesn’t take up much cabinet space.


I made the above waffle sammie for breakfast – love the sweet and savory combo. 


Friday night as we were in the kitchen, I was on my computer at the counter, and I said “who wants to go apple picking with me this weekend?”  Crickets.  Then I was asked, where is it, how long was I going to be there, yadayadayada.  The interest was underwhelming.

I woke up Saturday knowing that I was going alone.  I went to Weight Watchers.  We had a guest leader and she was good – not our Mickey, but she was good.  I gained a pound.  Did I mention I am still going strong with #dryseptember?  Not a drop of alcohol.  The only day I didn’t track was Labor Day.  But I do realize I need to step up my water game.  This week I’ve dropped my goal to 100 ounces – which is three of the large glasses I have at work.  If I drink one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night, I should reach that goal no problem.

As I was driving back home, I got a text from Hannah that said “when did you want to go apple picking?”

And when I got home I got more great news – Jacob was coming too!

The weather was absolutely perfect.  It was low 60’s, breezy.  I wanted to pick honey crisp apples and Hannah and Jacob picked fuji and McIntosh.  Have you ever eaten an apple right off the tree?  It’s amazing.

I love this picture too of Hannah and Jacob. šŸ˜€

And no trip to apple picking would be complete without a picture on the big chair!

They also had a petting zoo – that was my favorite part.  You could buy food for them and feed them.

They were not shy to get to the food!

I think this was called a Clarabelle cow?  So sweet.

Her nose was so soft!  She’s looking at Hannah’s cup of food like “is that for me?!”

By the time you add up the trip:  $13 per person to pick apples, $12 per person for the petting zoo, lunch at the cafe (which was really good!), and the apple cider donuts and gift shop at the end, it was roughly a $125 day.  But the memories were priceless!!  And they had just as much fun as I did, and I’ve declared it an annual trip.

I’ll be posting the recipe for my rustic apple pie tomorrow – including the homemade crust which is super easy.

I made a second pie for my friend MaryBeth and her family.  I texted her asking if she was home, before checking her Instastory, and didn’t realize they were at the Sox game.  I said “I have pie for you!”  She texted me right before they got home and asked “can we still come pick up the pie?!”  Yep!

Here is her oldest daughter, also named Hannah – and for the record, is just as organized as my Hannah. 

Selah and Jude were still strapped into their car seats – Selah stayed awake the whole trip home (over an hour!) and Jude was fast asleep.

Eden wanted to know if she could have any of our “acorns” (aka pinecones!) and we have hundreds of them so I told her we didn’t even have to be home if her Momma wanted to drive by and scoop more up.

It was an amazing weekend.  Fun, relaxing and productive.  It’s great to be alive!

Congrats to Jennifer who won my 10 year anniversary giveaway!  She’s also on Weight Watchers and a new follower of mine.  When I told her she won, she said “I’ve never owned a good knife!”  While I wish one of my long time followers would have won (as a giant thank you for sticking with me all these years!) I play it fair and let the computer pick the winner.  Sadly, I know some people who have giveaways and then just let their friends in real life win.  I don’t play by those rules.

Happy Monday my friends – make it a great day!