I am so looking forward to a long weekend!

It’s going to be a long day though. I’m going to Ravinia tonight. My sisters sister in law was supposed to go tonight. She lives out by me.

But now she can’t go so I have to take two trains to get home …which will be 12:45 am 😜

At least I can sleep in tomorrow.

My Moms been away this week at a friends house and she made one of my quiche recipes – how cute is this video?!


And then she sent me this picture:

Makes me so happy 😀 I’ve made so many quiche recipes over the years, I’ll have to ask her which one she used.

This is the little coffee area right around the corner from my desk. I like to call it my mini kitchen 😂

Hannah’s banana bread was the star of that plate – yum!

I worked through lunch – it was so busy. I did finally break away at 2:30 to pick up Roti.

I love everything on this plate. The flavorful chicken, the carrot slaw, the hummus and couscous- and I asked for so many extra pickles that it looks like I have pickle croutons. I counted that plate as 10 points.

The sky was so cool when I got home. That isn’t a filter either. I wasn’t all that hungry because of my late lunch, but my blood sugar was 65 and dropping.

Turns out I had pizza dough in the fridge 😂🍕 so I made a 9 point pizza.

Shitty lighting but this was delish. I was out of parchment paper so baked my pizza in my cast iron skillet on top of my Baking Steel.

So good!

I’m blogging from my phone because I didn’t want to lug my laptop around downtown, so I am going to hit publish.

Happy Thursday friends – make it a great day!