Ever since my weigh in on Saturday, I’ve felt the “switch.”  My brother and I know this very well.   The switch is either on or off – off meaning you are half heartedly working towards your goals, whereas when the switch is on – watch out!  The only problem is that you never know when the switch is going to go into the off position, so I am going to ride out my switch being on for as long as I can.

I was so proud of myself on Monday.  Not only a month ago, if I knew I was going to have a 20 point lunch, I would have said “fuck it” and had a cheat day the whole day long, telling myself “tomorrow I’ll get back on!”  But I balanced that high point lunch with a light breakfast and dinner, and I didn’t feel guilty one bit about eating that delicious burger and fries.

I had the last of my copycat sous vide bites for breakfast – this time adding 1/2 ounce of colby jack cheese on top, so this plate was 3 points.

I was solo on my walk yesterday – it was another gorgeous day in Chicago – 78 degrees and sunny.  #love

If you watched my Instastory over the weekend, you’ll know that I scored a 2 1/2 pound package of assorted pork chops for $1.38.  I trimmed the fat, cut the meat off the bone in bite size pieces, and did a quick sear in my cast iron skillet then finished it off with Code 3 Spices Patriot Sauce.  I love this BBQ sauce because its not only delicious, but 2 tablespoons is only 1 smart point.

I had the idea of making pork lettuce cups, and when I saw that my dill pickle jar was nearly empty, I peeled carrots and brined them in that pickle juice – instant pickled veggies!  I had 1/4 cup rice a roni mixed with the pork, so this plate was 6 points and kept me really full.

And I basically use Everything But the Bagel Seasoning on anything I can. šŸ˜€

I spent $39 on groceries last week – nice!  As I hate to waste food though, I decided to use the second half of my burger to make beef and bean tacos.  Best idea evah.

I mixed the 3 ounces of leftover burger with 1/2 cup of black beans and taco seasoning.

The secret to my crunchy tacos?  Lots of Pam spray!  I know, every time I post this on Instagram, I get a minimum of 50 direct messages telling me that Pam is bad for me.  I am fine using it, but I thank you for your concern. šŸ˜€

Each taco was 3 points each.  I thought for sure I’d eat all of them, but I was full after two.  And I was also going to the gym and didn’t want to shit my pants. #goals

Note to self:  I am almost out of pickled jalapenos!

And off to the gym I went!  Fake it til you make it, no?

For having a desk job, I have to admit I am impressed with how many steps I got in yesterday. 

It is true, all the little steps add up to big results.  The walking back and forth from the train station to my office – taking the stairs to my bosses office on another floor every.single.time – hitting the gym after a long day.  Baby steps will eventually get you to your goal.  

Should, would, could . . .DID!

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!