My daughter is ONE QUARTER OF A CENTURY OLD!  Which means a year from now I’ll be HALF A CENTURY OLD!  How the hell did that happen?! 

What I life Hannah and I have had together!   It didn’t matter that I hardly had any money when she was little, and that I had to live with my parents for the first five years of her life so that she’d have a stable beginning (thanks Mom and Dad!), or that her Dad didn’t want anything to do with us.  It was US against the world, and I don’t regret being a single parent (with lots of help!) for a second. 

She helped me grow up when I probably wasn’t quite ready to (hello happy hour party hard!).  Hannah was such an awesome story teller, on most days I could tell you what the school bus driving was wearing, what was playing on the radio on the school ride in, to details about the hot lunch, to what she did in science class – her daily run downs of her day were the favorite part of my day since I went back to work when she was only six weeks old and missed the daily drop offs to school.

And because this blog is about to be NINE years old in a few months, you have all of these birthday recaps!  I actually read them all last night, I don’t think I’ve read the older ones in a few years.

  • Hannah’s 17th Birthday (she got a car this birthday – check out the video!)
  • Hannah’s 18th Birthday
  • Hannah’s 19th Birthday
  • Hannah’s 20th Birthday
  • Hannah’s 21st Birthday
  • Hannah’s 22nd Birthday
  • Hannah’s 23rd Birthday
  • Hannah’s 24th Birthday

I’ve actually loved having her and Jacob live here the last two years.  It’s different when children come back to live with you as an adult.   We can still sing to Celine Dion at the top of our lungs like we did when she was little.  She’s here as my fashion police and usually at least once a week asks “are you wearing that to work, or are you just going to the mailbox?!”

She’s beautiful and smart.  She’s funny and most of all she’s kind.   Having her and keeping her was the best decision I’ve ever made in my whole entire life.  Thanks for letting me be your Mom Hannah!


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