Even though these sous vide bites don’t look that appetizing – they are delish!  Light, fluffy.  I did have several people make them yesterday (who knew so many people had the silicone muffin cups!) and here are a couple tips so they cook in the 20 minutes – make sure that the water bath line is 3/4 up the side of the muffin cup – and cook with a lid on the whole time.  Hope that helps!

Knowing I was going to have a big ass burger for lunch, my breakfast came in at 1 smart point.  #winning!

We originally wanted to eat on the River Walk, but they don’t take any reservations.  While my sister has a flexible lunch schedule, I have to clock in and out (boo!) so I didn’t want the chance of having to wait 30 minutes for a table.  Luckily, The Dearborn is right across the street from my office.  I had my sister text me when they were seated so we got to have a leisurely lunch.  

Don’t you love when food bloggers eat together?!  Me, taking a picture of Jenn’s phone, taking a picture of the truffle parmesan fries.  #yum

Hi Momma!!

Somehow over the years I’ve become a burger snob.  I have many criteria that make it the “best burger ever.”  Most important over all is a seasoned beef patty that can be cooked to medium rare (my taste) and a bun that is soft, yet sturdy enough to hold up to the burger.  

This burger has it all and then some.  Extra sharp aged cheese, “special sauce” (that tastes like a garlic aioli to me) and dill pickles.  And the hand cut fries are amazing too – crisp on the outside, yet tender on the inside.  

Hello gorgeous.  It’s 8 in the morning right now, and my mouth is watering just thinking about this burger.  If that isn’t burger porn, I don’t know what is.  And guess what I am doing with the leftovers?  Making tacos out of the meat for dinner tonight – you know I am the leftover queen!

And lucky for me, my sister and Mom don’t like dill pickles – more for me!  Thanks Jenn for treating to lunch!

I am night secretary Monday through Thursday this week and next week.  I only have to stay if someone signs up, and two people did, so I had to work until 7.  My train wasn’t express at that time, so I didn’t get home until 9.

The only thing nice about that is that it’s still light out when I leave the office.  The extra time on the train let me come up with a low point stir fry sauce.  Since I guestimated my lunch as 20 points, I needed a low point dinner, and knew I had fresh green beans and shrimp in the freezer.

When I write recipes on the train, it either tastes like ass, or tastes amazing.  Happy to report this one was delicious!




Click this link to see what the WW points would be.  It’s 2 WW points on my plan.

I still got a decent amount of steps without a formal workout yesterday!   I was at 22 points by the end of the day, and even though it was nearly my bed time by the time I finished dinner, I had a taste for something sweet.  I follow a woman Judy on Instagram, and she had a recipe for protein fluff – it looked like puffy whipped cream, and it was only 1 point.  What the what?!  I am going to post about it tomorrow, but basically it’s 1/2 a scoop of protein powder (32 grams to be exact) (2 points), a teaspoon of corn starch, 1/4 package of sugar free chocolate pudding mix (dry), 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and a cup of ice.  Just throw everything in your food processor and let it run for a few minutes until fluffy.  It nearly filled my food processor container for only 2 points.  It was sweet, fluffy and 15 grams of protein – I couldn’t even eat half of it.  

I put the rest in the freezer and will report back tonight on how the consistency is from the freezer.

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day!!  I ended my day 23/23.  Miracles do happen!  I thought for shits and giggles I’d actually try to work the Weight Watchers program as it was written. 😀