I made it the whole week without doing a full grocery shop – whoop!  I think I spent about $5 on fruit (not counting the farmers market yesterday) but that’s about it.  It really makes you use up the food you already have, and I think I could easily go another week without shopping.  But that’s silly talk.  I’ve been gone the last two weekends, so I am actually looking forward to doing some stuff around the house this weekend.  

I could eat this egg toast every.single.day and never get sick of it.  The key to this is the chopped romaine on top that I dressed with Bolthouse Farms three herb dressing – it gives it a nice vinegary kick to each bite.  Five smart points – 3 for the bread, 2 for the cheese – I am not counting the dressing because it was probably less than a teaspoon.  And this berry mix is amazeballs – I have lucked out on getting perfect fruit lately.

I was on my own for lunch again yesterday – my sister had a lunch for work.  I went to the farmers market, but with a budget – $25.  I got cash so I couldn’t be tempted to pull out my debit card.  If I wanted to spend it in 10 seconds, I could have bought this box of morel mushrooms – price tag?  $25!  That’s a 1/4 pound of mushrooms – they are $100 a pound!

I’ve never had a morel mushroom before – I should ask if I could buy just one and see what the hype is all about.  I bought my beloved tofu, asparagus, cheese, and pea shoots.

The hanging baskets they have are absolutely stunning.  I for a minute dreamed about how pretty they would like hanging from my gazebo, but then quickly realized how silly that is – I don’t have a green thumb at all, even if people say “you can’t kill this plant” I somehow can kill it.  Sigh.

I only had to work 30 minutes overtime yesterday, so I was home by about 7:20 – I am loving how light it stays after I get home.  Hannah, Jacob and my Mom went in for my birthday and got me this induction cooker – I hopefully some day will be putting recipe videos together.  Last night was the first time I used it and I absolutely love it!

You know if your pan will work on it if a magnet sticks to the bottom of the pan.  Hannah went to the store and brought a magnet to test out pans before she bought me two – one skillet and one that is like a sauce pan with higher sides.  

I am sure I’ve said this before, but my skinny pizza dough also makes delicious naan bread.  The dough works out to be one point per ounce – I used two ounces to make this naan.  Because I made the dough two days ago, the yeast has worked its magic and this naan turned out to be fluffy goodness.  While the naan is 2 points, I add a point for the oil it cooks in.  So delish!

The cooker got hot in just a couple minutes.  In fact, I had the temperature a bit high before the flip – you know it’s time to flip your naan when you see the bubbles like that.  I used an herbs de provence salt that I got at The Chopping Block.

induction cooker

I didn’t mind that bit of char at all – that’s all flavor. 

Hannah and Jacob typically buy their own groceries – our schedules are different so they have usually eaten dinner by the time I get home.  They had chicken tenders that have been in the fridge since February – my thought is that if they haven’t eaten them yet, then it’s fair game – snooze you lose. 😀  I used this seasoning my sister brought me back from vacation.

When the chicken was almost done, I added a sliced roasted red pepper to warm up.  The kicker though was this Trader Joe’s goddess dressing – its bright, herby and made this sandwich.  Only 20 calories for 2 tablespoons but one tablespoon was plenty.   This whole sandwich was 5 points!  I didn’t even make a side because this was so filling.


Hooray for a three day weekend!  I cannot believe its Memorial Day weekend already.  I know I’ll blink my eyes and it will be Labor Day, blink again and I’ll be pulling out my snowmen. 

The dogs didn’t seem too thrilled about the weekend – ha!

My office is closing early and I am going to a meat market in West Loop to stock up on meat to grill this weekend.  I haven’t used my Pit Barrel in a while and cleaning my grills is on my list of things to do this weekend.  I may even do a live feed on Instagram 😀

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!

p.s.  I am going to Weight Watchers after not going for two weeks – wish me luck! 😛