Table for One.

A couple weeks ago I got a middle of the night message from the husband of one of my high school friends – he had to steal his wife’s phone to get contact info for people he knew his wife would want to see for a surprise 50th birthday party.

It didn’t start until 8 but I thought I’d have to work late anyway but wouldn’t you know it, no one signed up for night secretary! I had time to fix my hair and put some makeup on.

The venue I was going to was in the West Loop. If I had the money I would live in that neighborhood. Lots of new construction and tons of restaurants.

I settled on Bar Siena. I walked in and asked if I could sit outside. He asked “how many in your party?” “One.” He kind of looked shocked but said he’d seat me in a minute.

He then handed the hostess one menu and she said “can you hand me another menu?” He then told her it was a table for one. She replied “just one?!”

Yes, I know it’s not the norm but plenty of people dine alone.

I got a Peroni on tap – it’s one of my favorite beers on tap and one that Tony would actually order other than Miller Lite.

I wasn’t sure if there was going to be food at the party, or just drinks, so I ordered the burrata – omg – so good!

Cheese is totally okay for dinner, no?

I had never heard of BLVD before. From the outside it didn’t look like much – just a giant black building.

But it was super fancy inside and nearly every table was full. They had a private room on the second floor.

Wine was handed out when you walked in and they had a full open bar. They had apps too, but I was full from my cheese plate.

Loren was so surprised when she arrived – her husband was so happy he was able to pull it off without her finding out.

It was so nice to catch up with old friends.

One friend flew in all the way from Israel for the weekend to surprise her!

But when I looked at this picture all I see is how fat I am. Gah. This time last year I was already down 20 pounds.

I know I’ll be up on the scale tomorrow but I have to face the music and get my focus back.

I forgot to plug in my laptop last night so I am blogging from my phone – I can only text with one hand 🤚 😂

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!