Congrats to my friend Nicole of Prevention RD for coming out with another cookbook – The Easy Heart Healthy Cookbook for Sow Cookers:  130 Prep-and-Go Low-Sodium Recipes which includes th e Italian Bolognese Sauce I made below.

You can check it out here.

Long time readers may remember, but Nicole and I went to the same high school.  Ahem, I may have graduated about 18 years before her, but let’s not talk about that.

We’ve been blog friends for years, and I was happy to meet her in real life last year – she is just as down to earth in person as she is on her blog.  Nicole, can you believe that was last October already?!

While her book is available for pre-sale (May 29 is the launch date!) I was thrilled when the marketing manager of the cookbook reached out to me to see if I’d like a preview pdf copy to try out some of the recipes. Um, yes please!

One of the first recipes to jump out at me was an Italian bolognese.  I have to admit, I don’t use my crock pot as often as I should, and after making this, I realize that it’s such a time saver to just set it and forget it.  This recipe took about 10 minutes to prep (if that) and then I just let it go all day on my kitchen counter on Sunday – my house smelled amazing!

I did make a couple of substitutions based on her variation recommendation.  I added mushrooms to my sauce, used 99% fat free ground turkey and since the fresh tomatoes in my local grocery store didn’t look too hot, I used canned tomatoes.

I am also not a fan of chunky pasta sauces, so after it cooked for about an hour, I used a stick blender to mix it up, and then added the cooked ground turkey.  And you guys know I left the onions out. šŸ˜€


I also like making sauces like this ahead of time, because I feel the flavors build the longer it sits.  I ran this recipe through the Weight Watchers recipe builder, and it barely comes in at 1 point a cup, and that’s because of the olive oil.

I served mine over a cup of cooked pasta last night (I may have the same thing for lunch today!) and this was delicious.  It only took as long to cook my pasta (less than 15 minutes) to put this together for dinner last night.  It’s rich, hearty, yet light at the same time.  


Best part is that this makes a lot!  Tonight I am making zucchini lasagna with this sauce.  The rest I’ll freeze in one cup portions.  Thanks Nicole for a great recipe!  Can’t wait to keep my crock pot going with some more of your recipes.


Yesterday for breakfast I had a yogurt parfait – in a bowl.  Chobani yogurt, some of my zero point berry sauce and 1/2 a container of these mixed nuts for some crunch.  This was surprisingly filling and I only ate about 3/4 of this.  I still counted it as 5 points.

CVS sells these packs of nuts for $1 – luckily I looked because that was two servings – so above is only half the container – only 181 calories but it cost me 5 points for that portion.

What a glorious day it was yesterday!  While I woke up to 39 degrees, by lunch time it was up to 69 and when I left work it was 78!  And for the record, there is no way in hell you’ll get me to kayak on the Chicago River.

Lunch was leftover sliced grilled chuck roast made into a wrap with romaine and scrambled eggs – weird combo, but it worked!  With 1/2 serving mini tortilla chips and grapes, lunch came in at 7 points.

Since dinner didn’t take long at all, I was able to squeeze in a 40 minute walk after work.  I love this time of year because the bugs aren’t out yet.  How gorgeous is that?!  I am so lucky to have this view within a minute walk from my house.

Check out my steps – not too shabby!

Stay tuned because I’ll be doing a giveaway of Nicole’s new book next week.  Can’t wait to try another recipe from it – so proud of you Nicole!

Happy Tuesday my friends – make it a great day!