You’ll want to add these blueberry sour cream scones to your must make list soon – so delicious!


Hannah and I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning Friday night.  I know!  Jacob was tired and went to bed around 10:30, and Hannah and I just hung out in the living room, and chatted the night away.  It was so nice!  We haven’t done that in a long time.  

Even though I got to bed late (no worries – I took a nap later in the afternoon!) I woke up to get to Weight Watchers.  I love our leader Mickey.  I was running a tad late so the meeting started right after I got there, so I just stood in the back of the room and got in line to weigh in.  

All of a sudden Mickey looks up and says Biz!  “Biz is here!”  I was kind of taken aback and so I waved to everyone (all 70 people!) and said “hello!”  She then said “why didn’t you tell me you were famous?!”  Um, what?

Turns out she went to a meeting in South Elgin, and someone said something about my recipes, and when Mickey heard the name Biz, she said “I have a Biz at my Saturday meeting” and I guess everyone was like “you have BIZ in your meeting?!”  At the end of the meeting she said “I seriously thought of getting your autograph on 20 pieces of paper to hand out to that meeting this week.”  Too funny.

I was down .4 this week, for a total loss of 2.6 for the month of April.  My goal for May is to double that.  Bring on May and hopefully warmer weather!  


I usually come home from WW and do a quick clean up of the fridge.  Hannah’s freezer inventory is still on point, but things still get lost in the fridge.  I had a container of sour cream and blueberries that needed to be used up, and I saw that Ally made a batch of blueberry sour cream scones and I was immediately intrigued.  I don’t think I’ve ever added sour cream to scones before.

Best part about this recipe is that you need a bowl and a fork, that’s it.  The dough will look a bit shaggy, but that’s okay.

this is a photo of blueberry scones

Blueberry Sour Cream Scones

Yield: 8 scones
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes 15 seconds
Total Time: 38 minutes 15 seconds

This recipe is slightly adapted from my friend Ally, just to make each scone 5 WW points on all plans. So good! If you think you don't like scones - please try this one!


  • 2 cups self-rising flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries


    1. Heat oven to 425. 
    2. In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar and mix until combined.
    3. Add the coconut oil and using a fork, blend that into the flour mixture. 
    4. Add the sour cream and almond milk and mix, just until combined. Stir in the blueberries. 
    5. Put the dough on your counter and using flour, shape the dough into an 8 inch circle. (an 8 inch cake pan is good to have on hand for reference). 
    6. Place that circle on parchment paper on a cookie sheet and put it in your freezer for 10-15 minutes. Your knife cuts will be way easier to make if your dough is super cold. 
    7. Cut into 8 pieces, bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown. 


Ally didn't make a glaze, but I thought these scones screamed a lemon glaze because of the blueberries - best combo ever! I made a sugar free glaze: 1.5 cups no calorie Slenda, 1/4 cup corn starch, 1 tablespoon water and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Just blend in your food processor until smooth. This comes in at 4 smart points, but I only used half of the glaze for the 8 scones, so 2 points divided by 8 scones - just don't bother counting a point for the glaze. Each scone comes in at 5 smart points. Paired with a scrambled egg and fresh fruit - breakfast is ready! Thanks for the inspiration Ally!! 

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

I add a bit of flour to my counter to get a circle and pat it out.  If you follow my Instastories, you know I have to touch all the food all the time.  Makes me laugh every time I replay one of my stories.  I ditched the butter in Ally’s recipe and swapped in only one tablespoon of coconut oil and it worked well in these scones.  

My secret is once I have my circle, I put it on parchment paper and set it in the freezer on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes, it will be so much easier to cut into 8 pieces that way.

See how nice that looks!

These really puff up in the oven, so make sure they have room on the baking sheet.  I cooked these on my Baking Steel, so the bottoms were nice and caramelized.  Yum.

What I am most excited about is this SUGAR FREE glaze that I made.  Yes, I am shouting because it is that good.  It’s 4 points for the glaze all together, but I only used about half over 8 scones, so it’s barely half a point, so I am just not counting it.

The scones made their way to my brunch board on Sunday.  Hannah’s best friend and her son came over for brunch yesterday, and Jacob’s grandpa came over too.  The little boy can’t have wheat, dairy or nuts.  I made him gluten and nut free pancakes, and well everyone ate them and loved them!  He had maple syrup, pancakes and bacon and I think he alone (he’s 6) ate 4 big pancakes!  I’ll be posting that recipe later this week.   I also had bananas to use up, so I made more mini chocolate chip banana bread loaves (3 points each!), and Hannah made the fluffy scrambled eggs.

brunch board

It was a great weekend.  I was bizzy in my kitchen (my next blog post for The Chopping Block is all about grilling – stay tuned for that link!), I took two naps in the hammock and I feel refreshed for the week.  Roman was unusually snuggly with me this weekend – love.

Turns out Roman likes the hammock too, although she thought it was a bit chilly to be grilling out on Saturday at 46 degrees – um, I kind of agree with her!

If you guys haven’t purchased a hammock before, I highly recommend it.  Shelley was the first person that I saw have one, and I think it was last year or the year before that Hannah decided to buy one and I love it.  I didn’t feel guilty just laying there, with my headphones on, looking up at the sky – it was glorious.  It’s amazing how something so simple like laying in a hammock can be so relaxing.  

I had a bonus blog post at The Chopping Block that posted on Friday – can you show me some comment love over there?  I’d appreciate it!  Vegetarian Falafel withe Fried Jalapenos – so good!

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!

p.s. – if you like scones, check out my Starbuck’s copycat vanilla bean scones!