This is how I spent most of my day yesterday.  I slept 12 hours (well, I woke up about every two hours with coughing fits) and then was up for a couple hours, slept an hour and in the afternoon I slept for three hours!!

Hannah is the best care taker.  She brought me a banana, a bowl of grapes and this toast with butter and cinnamon sugar.  With my medicine on the plate because I had to eat food them. 

Hannah made me ramen soup.  I threw out the package but it’s a rice noodle miso soup that I got at Mariano’s.  8 points for the whole dish – it was low sodium, so I added a touch of salt and sriracha to make the broth spicy.

My brother and his wife gave me an Amazon gift card for my birthday.  I ordered Tieghan’s book and as I was flipping through it, got to page 201 and saw a soy marinated flank steak, and realized I bought steak at Sam’s Club last week and yesterday was the last day to use it, or freeze it.

Most of you know Hannah is vegetarian.  While I sat in a blanket at the kitchen island with a piping hot cup of tea, I watched Hannah make the marinade and massage it into the beef.  Such a proud momma!  

While Tieghan made sesame herb roasted potatoes, Hannah made double fried french fries.  First run through is cooked at 275 degrees for about 10 minutes for raw potatoes.  This cooks the potatoes.  She bumped up the oil to 350 and cooked another 5 minutes to get them crispy.

She is really a good cook.  I always hog the kitchen, so I am going to have to let go a bit and let her cook some dinners – she’s been killing it lately.  I hope to have her do a guest post for her gumbo next week.

She brought me my dinner on a tray.  So sweet.

And even though I am hacking up a lung, there was no reason I couldn’t put Hannah to work in the kitchen!  She loves me like that.  Actually, she was very happy after the fact because these mini banana breads are delicious and only 3 smart points each.

I have four of these ceramic mini loaf pans – they are 2 inches by 4 inches.  The best part is that there is no added sugar to this recipe and the 9 chocolate chips on top adds just enough sweetness.  This is a recipe original from wwsmartcookies which was adapted by jenweightwatcher (both on Instagram) and which I adapted to make it more “bread like.”  My friend Kim loved the taste of this bread, but felt it tasted more like banana pudding than the banana bread she was looking for.  I added two tablespoons of flour and a teaspoon of baking powder, so that’s all it took.

Yum!  These would be perfect with scrambled eggs and fruit for a low point breakfast.

The texture is spot on.  

Hannah told me I had to use this nebulizer last night, and it did help.  I am still so sick today.  My body is just so achy from coughing, which makes my head hurt.  I took my second sick day which never happens.  But I am hoping with resting this weekend, I’ll be better on Monday.

I also ordered Lindsay’s cookbook and can’t wait to check it out.  I wanted to make dishes that Hannah will want to eat too, so we will meal plan together.  I know I need to up my veggie game.

I have tracked everything this week, even my 30 point Easter dinner, and even though I haven’t moved the last two days, I stuck to 23 points.  If I feel okay tomorrow, I’ll go to Weight Watchers to weigh in.  I’ll stand in the back of the room so I don’t get anyone sick. šŸ˜›

We are still in the grips of winter – it’s supposed to go down to 18 degrees.  All I keep reminding myself is that at least its not snow. 

Happy Friday friends – I’ll be on my couch all day.  Telling Hannah what to cook for me. šŸ˜€