Avocados have been expensive and not that great lately, so thank goodness for Wholly Guacamole 100 calorie packs.  They are three points, creamy and delicious, and super quick to make avo/egg toast for breakfast.  I just cooked egg whites in a bowl at home and then chopped it up and put it on my toast with the guacamole.  So delish.  And this mango?  So good!!  I buy a big container at Sam’s Club for $7 and each and every time I balk at the price tag, but then have to remind myself I wouldn’t think twice to buying a bottle of wine for twice that amount.  I made a loaf of bread over the weekend, so this slice was 3 points, making breakfast 6 points.

It was a chilly walk yesterday.  It was in the 30s but with the wind felt like the low 20s.  I walked the pedway part of the way, then made my way to Millennium Park.

When I got back to work I knew my blood sugar was dropping, so I didn’t take any insulin with lunch.

Monday’s dinner turned into Tuesday’s lunch.  I ate the fruit first to bring my blood sugar up, then ate my chicken pita.  I weighed out 3 ounces of chicken (0) and topped with my homemade tzatziki (0) spinach on my homemade naan (3).  So this whole plate was only 3 points.

The kadults were having dinner with Jacob’s grandpa, so it was a solo dinner for me.  Who am I kidding, most nights are a solo dinner, which I don’t mind at all.  It’s so hard cooking for three people who have three different tastes.  Hannah would east Asian food every.single.day of her life if she could.  Jacob is not a fan.  Hannah is on again/off again vegetarian, Jacob does low carb.  It’s a lot easier to cook for myself. 

With Hannah’s recent amazing organizational skillz, I realized not only am I a condiment whore, but a canned good whore as well.  I had no idea!  But now that I can see everything, I knew I had to start meal planning from my pantry.  Which is where canned mashed potatoes was an idea I had for my Bistro Steak Dinner at home.


This dinner took less than 15 minutes.  I’d pay $20 for this meal in a restaurant!  The potatoes were creamy and I liked that they were a bit chunky.  I made a pan sauce with A-1 and beef broth to pour over my rare steak, and the creamed spinach was made with 2 cups spinach, 1 tablespoon light whipped cream cheese, 1/4 cup almond milk and a tablespoon of shaved Parmesan cheese.

This plate was 9 points!


I came home to the best mail yesterday!  My friend Jessica of How Sweet Eats sent me her new cookbook that will be online and in book stores very soon.  She and I have been friends since 2010?  A lot has changed in 8 years!  Hannah is married, and she got married and had two kids.  I’ve already flagged about a dozen recipes I want to make right away – thank you Jessica!

Such a sweet note!  I am happy that she’ll be in LaGrange in April (the town right next to where my Mom lives) so I’ll finally get to meet her in real life.  When I told her I would be going she said “bring Hannah!” 

I’ve been having a rough week this week.  Tony always told me he would take me to Italy for my 50th birthday and we would stand on the bridge at Ponte Vecchio to celebrate my 50th year.  He talked about it all the time.  He was going to show me the tiny store that he helped his Uncle work at, went on and on about how much I would love the food, because it was so fresh.  I think he said his great Aunt would go to the grocery store every day and make dinner based on what she found that day – how cool is that?

I have to let that dream go, because that’s all it is – a dream.  This is my life now, and I have to just let the hopes and dreams of what I thought my life was going to be . . . just let it go.

I am thrilled though that my sister is enjoying her vacation in the Bahamas.  She hasn’t been on vacation in a long time, especially without the kids, but I may have been a bit bitter when she sent me the picture on the left, and I was standing in snow at 25 degrees.

Happy Wednesday friends.  Have you ever used canned potatoes to make mashed potatoes before?  I can’t believe I haven’t tried it before!

Make it a great day!