This is going to be a super quick post – I forgot to plug in my laptop last night (damn glass of wine!) and I have 16% battery šŸ˜›  

Yesterday I had more Elvis Waffles, although I am not sure that post is looking right – I did a draft on my phone and then finished on my laptop – people commented on the post but I can’t reply so I’ll have to put that recipe on that post again tomorrow.  I am loving these giant blueberries – sweet as candy!

Our temps yesterday just kept dropping like a stone.  

I worked right through lunch – such a busy day.  My bosses are a bit possessive of me and don’t like me to give my work away, but I hustled and got everything done.  You know, I am pretty awesome like that. šŸ˜›  I had an unphotographed cup of my buffalo chicken chili around 2, and I stayed late to work as night secretary and had a Premier Protein shake and grapes that were giant and delish.

And these were seedless!

I can’t complain about working late, or the weather for that matter, because I have a warm house, with plenty of food to eat.   When it gets so cold out, I always worry about the homeless people, wonder how they got there.  It’s sad but its easy to look the other way because there are just so many – I must pass a dozen or more just on my 10 minute walk to the train.

I got home just before 9:00.  It seems that whenever I am just about to cook, Hannah gets her cooking pants on, so I sat back, let her fix her dinner for her and Jacob, while I enjoyed . . . a glass of wine!

I didn’t eat this dinner until nearly 10, but it was worth the wait.  Um, I may have deep fried the Trader Joe’s cilantro wontons!  So good – just adds an extra point, I think 8 wontons is only 2 points, so add a point for the oil, and I did a quick stir fry of green beans and brown rice.  And sriracha – duh! šŸ˜€

And in case you are wondering, here’s how I feel about wine being back in my life – ha!

I will probably put wine back on the shelf for a while, I have my WI tomorrow, and after only losing .4 the last two weeks, hoping this week shows my efforts – but I know I have get back in the exercise game to help jump start the weight loss. 

Alright, have to sign off. . . only 1% battery now – yikes!  

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!