I knew it was going to be a busy day yesterday since I was off two days last week, but what I forgot to factor in is the short work week this week – I was so busy as usual – all three of my bosses had work piled up and I feel like I barely made a dent in my work load.  

I did stop to heat up my omelet.  I used to suck at making omelets, and would almost always turn them into scrambled eggs.  Now I just put Pam spray in a non-stick pan, put my omelet ingredients and a cup of egg whites and seasonings (I used everything but the bagel seasoning) and put a lid on it and cook it that way.  Never flip at all.  I let it cool in the pan and then flip it in my container to take to work.  When I got to work, I added 1/2 ounce Cabot cheese in the middle before microwaving.  Perfect every time.  The omelet was 3 points, the potatoes 3 points, so breakfast was 6 points.

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I didn’t officially take a lunch, but while making copies I munched on my steak salad.  OMG, you guys have to buy this Bolthouse Farms signature blue cheese dressing – the perfect dressing for a steak salad.  It’s so rich and delicious and only 2 points for 2 tablespoons (a mere 50 calories) and feels like you are eating full fat dressing.  Gotta love a dressing that the first two ingredients are buttermilk and blue cheese and no added sugars.  Lunch was beef (3) more Cabot cheese (2) and the dressing (2) for 7 points. 

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I managed to leave in time to take the 6 p.m. express train home – I was shocked that it was 50 degrees!  I love Chicago at night – so pretty.

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One of my long time blog readers and Instagram followers Carol messaged me last week asking for my address.  Turns out  a “little elf” wanted to send me something for Christmas.  I thought it would be a snowman ornament or something like that, but as soon as I walked into the door and saw Boos Block on the box I nearly wet my pants.  We sold these at The Chopping Block and I could never pull the trigger on buying one.   Let’s just say they are on the expensive side!

As soon as I opened it, and explained what a deluxe cutting board this was, Hannah literally took my old wooden one out of the sink and threw it in the trash.  THANK YOU SO MUCH CAROL!  I will definitely pay this forward.  #sothankful

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Since I ate such a late lunch, I didn’t make dinner until about 8:30.  I had some leftover veggie lo mein so I used a cup of that (6) and pan fried it with shredded zucchini and carrots in a bit of coconut oil (1) and General Tso stirfry sauce (1).  It was just okay – the texture of the noodles was a bit weird, but it hit the spot.

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But the real star of the day were these banana muffins.  ONLY THREE POINTS!  Yes, I am shouting because they are that good.  I’ll be posting the recipe for these tomorrow – but I used no calorie sweetener for the sugar and Bolthouse Farms plant milk.  So light, so fluffy.  I may have had two of these last night.  ðŸ˜€  There is no oil or butter in these muffins – just Chobani coconut yogurt and 1/4 cup of light coconut milk – the liquid part of these muffins looked like banana pudding.  Yum.

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Only two days left until another long weekend!  Let’s keep our heads down and power through – we’ve got this!

Make it a great day!