Mother Nature has finally gotten the memo that it’s the end of September.  It was in the 60s on my way to the train station yesterday morning, and our high was only 68.  Perfect!  On Wednesday’s I treat myself to coffee from the coffee shop across the street from the train station. #treatyoself

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I need to make more of this banana bread – so good and I love picky plate breakfasts like this.  It worked out perfect because I had computer trainging most of yesterday morning and spent probably 45 minutes eating this plate.  The banana bread was 4 points and the egg was 2.

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My sister was looking for a fall coat and needed a couple other things, so we hit up Burlington at lunch.  Of course they already had all their winter stuff out – I laughed so hard at this picture because I told my sister to do the duck lips and only I am doing it šŸ˜€

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I was looking forward to my taco soup for lunch when . .. doh.  I never put the soup in my lunch bag.  I had all the toppings, the cheese, but no soup. 

I have a Corner Bakery in the building next to mine, and bought their 1/2 soup 1/2 salad combo.  It’s been a while since I’ve eaten there and forgot to tell them no croutons in the soup.

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By the time I scooped out all the croutons, I maybe had 1/2 a cup of soup left?  

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But their Harvest Salad more than made up for it.  The WW app said the 1/2 salad was 7 points – but taking a look at what was in there, called the salad 11 ponts and the soup 2 for points.

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As a Weight Watcher Ambassador, I get the opportunity to try products that they endorse and received a box of Skinny Pasta a couple days ago.   Skinny Pasta is actually a registered trademark of Weight Watchers.  

Their “pasta” is made from the Konjac root, which apparently containes fiber and absorbs water to help you feel full.  It’s sugar free, gluten free, fat free and cholesterol free.  The whole package is 2 servings, but at only 10 calories a serving, I decided to “cook” the whole bag for dinner.

You just rinse the noodles under water in a strainer for one minute, drain, then heat up in a skillet or microwave for 2-3 minutes.  

Now let’s get one thing clear – this does not taste like pasta.  Much like cauliflower rice doesn’t taste like rice, this doesn’t taste like pasta because it really has no flavor.  But stir in spicy marinara, spicy turkey sausage and sauteed mushrooms, these can actually pass as noodles.  I didn’t mind the texture, some people mentioned there was a “smell” upon opening the package, but I didn’t notice it at all.  

I only took 2 units of insulin with my dinner vs. the 12 I would have taken had I had real pasta.  Someone mentioned on connect that they combine these noodles with 1/2 a serving of real pasta to bring down the carbs, but bulk up the portion – I think I’ll try that next time.

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I know you can find these in most Weight Watcher locations, not sure about retail stores, I’ll find out and get back to you.

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Hannah and Jacob weren’t home when I got home, but around 9:30 I heard honking in our driveway and came out to see that Jacob bought a car!  He’s always wanted a VW bug, and here it is.  He was so happy and proud of himself!  They hadn’t eaten dinner yet and asked if I wanted to go out with them to celebrate – which at this time was nearly 10:00 p.m.

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Of course I said yes!  If your adult children ever ask you to do something with them, do it, no matter the time.  Shit, back in the day my sister would never have gone out on a weekend before 10:00 p.m.!

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I had a 5 point New Belgium Fat Tire on tap – so good.   We had fun and we were home by 11:15 and I was in bed by 11:30.  

I am listing Tony’s car for sale today.  It’s the last big tangible thing I have that is a constant reminder of him.  I remember when he bought the car in 2012 and the car was going to be paid off in 2017 and I remember thinking “I wonder where our life will be in 2017!”  

So much change, but isn’t that life?  No one can predict the future, so we have to constantly get the most out of each day we are given.

Happy Thurdsay – make it a great day!