I wore my Fitbit while doing my Insanity before we left for the airport.  Once our flight was delayed, I thought “I’ll just walk the airport and get more steps!”  I knew I already had close to 4,000 steps before I even left the house, and after walking for 30 minutes, reached down and realized I forgot to put my Fitbit back on after my shower.

It’s not that I didn’t walk while I was on vacation, but that push to get 10,000 steps just wasn’t there anymore.  It’s like the steps don’t count because I don’t know exactly how many steps I’ve walked.  I will say though, that last Wednesday, with the hour of Insanity, walking the airport, walking an hour at the hotel, I am pretty sure I was close to 25k that day!

We’ve had such a mild weather in Chicago that the heat in Virginia kind of took me by surprise.

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Our first full day there, we spent most of the time in the water.  I don’t think I could ever get sick of that view!

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My cousin Brian brought a paddle board!  I was so excited to try it.  It is actually quite hard to get your balance,  but once I got up and started paddling, it made it easier.  The pics of my on the board are on Hannah’s camera, I’ll have to have her send them to me.  That’s my niece Sarah below.

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And that’s Hannah below.

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My 76 year old Momma also tried it!  Although she didn’t feel comfortable standing up, so she paddled on her knees.  Gotta give her props for getting out there though!

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Even with my saggy boobs, I felt comfortable in this suit.  Usually I’d wear a cover up unless I was in the water.  

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I hardly ever see my back, but I see a few muscles peeking out thanks to Insanity.  I decided I am going to start the 60 day program over on Monday.  Until then, there are about a hundred other exercises on Beach Body on Demand – one that I want to do is called Shift Shop that’s been getting some buzz on Instagram – it just came out last week I think.

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My cousin Brian brought his sailboat too – it was funny because every time he jumped off to get something on the doc, my brother Charlie got the task of holding the boat.  It was great spending so much time with him.  I found out they will be coming to Chicago for Christmas, so that will be nice too.

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This is my niece Rachel, Charlie’s youngest daughter.  She wants to do animation and just finished a project you can check out here.

The only downside to working on projects like that is that once the movie is done, so is the job.  She had a skype interview while on vacation so sending good vibes that she’ll get that job. 

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This is my cousin Karen – she’s so fun to hang out with – wish we lived closer because we’d hang out all the time if we did.

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Here’s my sister-in-law Laura – breast cancer survivor!

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A week before we left for vacation, my niece Sarah called to tell me that she and her boyfriend got engaged – congrats!  I kept joking with her that I couldn’t wait to be asked to be her matron of honor šŸ˜€

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So you saw how beautiful the day was – puffy clouds, blue skies.  My cousin Brian asked if anyone wanted to sail with him, and I almost said yes, but at the last minute said no thanks.  My cousin’s husband Paul went along.

They were pretty far out when out of nowhere, a storm blew in.  And while the water is shallow, Brian said even he had a hard time not only controlling the boat with all the wind, but also staying afloat in the water, even with his lifejacket on.  With lightening on the horizon, he almost thought he’d have to just let the boat go so they could swim to shore.

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I am so glad I didn’t go on that boat!  First of all, the first sign of danger I would have probably shit my pants.  If Brian couldn’t control the boat, I’d probably start crying because he knows what he’s doing and I would have been no help at all.  Luckily they got the boat to the neighbors dock, and the neighbors helped tie it down and when the storm blew over, they were able to bring the boat back over to our dock.  Whew!

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Hannah and I took over dinner duties on Friday night.  We did a Mexican themed night – homemade guacamole, Spanish rice, chicken enchiladas, beef tacos.  

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My plate below – I could have easily gone back for seconds or thirds, but controlled myself.  Hannah makes really good enchiladas!

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Our family is WAY into board games, and Friday night was no exception.  I can’t remember the name of this game, but it was hilarious.  You have to try to pronounce a sentence with that plastic in your mouth and everyone has to try to guess what you are trying to say.

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It’s super stormy this morning – my pants and shoes are soaked to the bone already.  If it’s nasty at lunch time, I’ve decided I will go to my local Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday.

Tomorrow’s post . . . family reunion! 

Question of the Day:  Is your family a board game family?  Growing up our go to games were:  Scrabble, Backgammon, Canasta (card game), Life, and of course, Monopoly – otherwise known as the game that takes three days to finish!

Make it a great day!