I haven’t made a parfait in so long – this was so good thanks to this new granola I found at Trader Joe’s. If you love peanut butter you will love this!! 1/3 cup is 4 points, or 8 points for 2/3 cup.

12.13.14 008I divided this granola into 1/3 cup portions because I could easily eat the whole bag in one sitting.

12.13.14 011I was going to have more chicken chili for lunch when I realized I only had 10 units of insulin in my pen – dang it! I saved the insulin for dinner, so scratched my lunch and went to a salad/hot bar restaurant in the food court across the street from my office.

I just put a bunch of low carb stuff in my box and moved on. The turkey was super tender but very salty. I think I drank 40 ounces of water after lunch.

12.13.14 019My office party was in our building in one of the tenant suites. It was nice not having to jump in a cab to some hotel. I saved my insulin for wine – duh. 😂

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t year I didn’t know hardly anyone, so it was nice to mingle. I barely took any pictures, but I ate Caesar salad and this glorious beef. I had 20 points going into dinner so I think I did great. And since I had no insulin left, I wasn’t tempted by the dessert table.

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cago is so pretty at night – the twinkling lights of the buildings never gets old.

12.13.14 039<<<
ade it to Thursday – whoop! It’s been really cold but I’ll take cold over snow any day.

How is your holiday shopping going?! I haven’t even started – I need to get on that.

Make it a great day!