I don’t know what made me think to walk to the train station from my house.  To tell you the truth, I didn’t really know exactly how far it was from my house to the train station.  I am kind of glad that I didn’t look it up because it was 2.6 miles one way, and I may have had second thoughts had I known that!  It was cool (okay 70) and a overcast.  Not knowing how long it was going to take me I made sure to leave in time so that if I missed the earlier train, I’d still make the next train (which is my normal 7:13 train) and not have to wait another 35 minutes for the next one if I missed that one.

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I love this backpack Hannah got me for my birthday.   The straps are so comfy – I was able to fit my laptop, and all my clothes to change into work in there.

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Not too bad!  It took me 41 minutes to walk there and I had 7 minutes to spare before the train came. 

While I knew I had my 61 point day last Friday, I tracked everything all week and closed my week only 9 points in the negative – without using any activity points.  So I was a bit shocked at the 2.6 gain on the scale.  However, I drank a ton of water on my walk to the train and while on the train.  Either way, not going to let that number derail me – because I feel . . . smaller, if you know what I mean.  I did have wine last weekend, and even though it accounted in my daily points, I am ditching alcohol this week.  We’ll see if that makes a difference on the scale next week.  It’s all good!

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I made a breakfast burrito – lavash wrap, eggs and egg white scramble, 1 piece of bacon, diced jalapeno and tomato with cherries on the side.

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I had a great meeting at Weight Watchers.  Cheryl our leader is so funny and engaging.  I had a talk with her after the meeting about the Focus Group and how I didn’t like it, and she said that she’s yet to attend, but was also thinking it wasn’t for her because she wasn’t into meditating, and it was my thoughts exactly.  I am sure it’s helpful for others so I am not discounting it, but life is too short not to do what you want to do.

I hit up the farmers market at Daley Center on my way back to the office.  I picked up Rock n Roll Thai red curry chicken and decided to take a picture from my bosses office since he was out of the office.  Not a bad view at all!

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While I was walking to the train station I was stopped at a light and just happened to look up and saw this giant cloud above the building – I am so lucky to be able to work in the great city of Chicago!

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Hannah had told me that she would pick me up from the train last night, but it was so nice out, I texted her and told her I’d walk home.

From one extreme to another!  Tall buildings in Chicago to farmland at home.

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Do you guys remember the book Country Mouse and City Mouse?  It used to be one of Hannah’s favorites.  I love being a country mouse at home and a city mouse during the day. 😀

So not surprising, after all that walking I was hangry when I got home at 7:15.  Thankfully thanks to Jennie-O, I have frozen turkey burgers at the ready – they cook in about 10 minutes.  Just enough time to heat up my deep fryer for these butternut squash fries.

For some reason I thought butternut squash would be high in points like sweet potatoes, so I was thrilled when I put them in my WW app and saw they were zero points.  Yes, I deep fried these, but I will always advocate that a good deep fryer holds the temperature so that hardly any oil gets absorbed into the food.  However, I did add 1 smart point for the oil.  And, let’s just say sprinkling with everything but the bagel seasoning when they came out of the fryer?  Best idea evah!

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AMAZING!   I will probably have butternut squash once a week from now on.  So good.  That cheese?  That’s the lite mozzarella from Trader Joe’s that is only 1 smart point for a whole ounce – it is so melty good.  The bun is Healthy Life brand is only 2 points.

Check out my steps!   I had planned on walking to the train this morning because it was only going to be in the upper 60s, but it was raining.  And truth be told, I am a bit sore from all that walking – my neighborhood is pretty hilly and you don’t notice it as much when you are driving.  So I am making today a rest day, or “light” walk day, because I know I’ll be exercising over the weekend.

If you haven’t already (and if you did – thank you!) can you send me some comment love over at The Chopping Block?!  You’ll finally get the recipe for my Everything Bagel Quiche I’ve been taunting you with on Instagram.  

I discovered this week that I have one of the top 10 blog posts of all time – coming in at number 4 with my Copycat Starbuck’s Muesli bread – and the only blogger to be in the top 10 for 2017 posts.  So thank you for your support over there, it means a lot to me!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  I have a low key weekend planned, which is alright by me.  I am still decluttering my closet and getting rid of the size 14 and 16 clothes that I’ve been holding on to.  I may need Hannah’s closet organizational skills to help me 😀

Make it a great day!!