Last night I was reading through some of my old blog posts while the construction crew were working.  I was told unequivocally that I was not to help.

And not surprisingly, I read several posts where I put myself down because either I had an impromptu dinner out and didn’t make the best choice.  Or I hadn’t been to the gym in a week.

If someone told me they went out with friends and had a burger, would I tell them they have no self control and just give up?

So I am going to try to treat myself as I would anybody else.  As my friend Lynne said, it’s time to say goodbye to the struggle bus and jump on the self-love bus.  I hear the seats are much nicer on that bus ???


I had a breakfast parfait yesterday and when I went to put it in my stemless wine glass, I pulled it out of my desk drawer and it was broken ? so I give you a parfait …bowl.  One cup plain Chobani (4) 2 tablespoons of granola, craisins and slivered almonds (4) with mango and kiwi.

My sister had to stick around her office so I was on my own for my lunch time walk.  I walked north, found a giant Jewel on Ohio and State street (good to know), and picked up a cup of tomato soup at Potbelly’s.

I had a turkey lavash wrap (4) with the soup (4) and apple for dessert.

I lucked out last night – no one signed up for night secretary so I got to leave at 5:00.  Show of hands how many times you pin a recipe, look at it every time you see your boards, and never make it?! ??

I’ve seen buffalo cauliflower bites for a while.  This recipe finally happened because I took the easy route and bought cut cauliflower at Trader Joe’s.

I just cleaned out my deep fryer so I had fresh oil.  I made this batter for one cup of cauliflower: 1/8 cup flour, 1/8 cup seltzer, 1/2 t. Garlic powder, 1 teaspoon everything but the bagel seasoning.  I didn’t add salt to the batter, nor did I salt the cauliflower when it came out of the fryer, because the Frank’s buffalo sauce has plenty of sodium.

Dip cauliflower into batter to coat. Deep fry for 4 minutes at 350 degrees.  Then toss in buffalo sauce.  The batter is 2 points, the oil is 1 and my Chobani ranch dressing made with Hidden Valley packaged ranch dressing mix came in at another point. 

Four points for this whole plate ???

The verdict? Delicious.  Next time I am going to batter the cauliflower and refrigerate it for 30 minutes to see if I can get it crispier, but this definitely cured my jones for chicken wings.


The dogs have been beside themselves with all the clutter and construction mess and noise – I feel like telling them “I get it!”  Roman sat on my lap for a good 30 minutes, which is unusual for him, he’s always on the move when not sleeping.

I am happy to report that the floor has been  installed! Only thing left is the trim and the steps which they will do tonight.

The kadults are also going to be painting the paneling the same grey that is in the living room. Oh, and Hannah painted my back door red ?

I truly am grateful for all their hard work. The only room left to do will be my kitchen, but that will have to wait a bit.  Let’s first clean up the mess before making another one. ?

I am on my way to weigh in.  Jenn is meeting me there. She’s also doing a giveaway on her blog with the G.H. Cretors popcorn – just leave a comment for a chance to win. ??

Happy Thursday – make it a great day!