I have the day off from work today for my six month diabetes doctor appointment.  It was nice to sleep in a bit and make breakfast tacos.

On Sunday I was walking in my back door, and my stained carpet stairs finally got to me and I pulled it out.  While the kadults were at work.  I am impulsive like that.  

This is what was under the carpet. And about a billion staples.  I had no real plan, other than to sand them, paint them and add a runner. 

When I got home from work last night my house was definitely under construction.

Jacob bought me hardwood flooring and his Dad who is a professional floor installer was here to help.  I asked Jacobs Dad how much he wanted for his time and he said “just cook me a ribeye steak and we are even.”

So moving all the stuff out of this back room, I did not do my fit test for Insanity. The chaos is even higher around my house, but I have to accept this loving gesture and not let the mess get to me.

My bedroom is usually my sanctuary- but now that’s filled with stuff.

And since the dining room and living room are  full of boxes from when the kadults were going to move out, this tiny spot in my kitchen is where I ate my dinner.

Hannah wants to tear out my kitchen next, but I am hoping we’ll finish this project before moving onto the next! Although I really want to tear out my kitchen, too.

I’ll be sure to show after pics – and hopefully I’ll carve out some space in my house today to get my fit test done.

Make it a great day! Are you impulsive when it comes to a house project?? Hopefully I am not the only one!