Having my brother and his family in town is always a good time.  We just laugh whenever we get together and it was so good for my soul.

This photo below pretty much sums up the weekend – just doing silly stuff and since I stayed at my Mom’s house since Friday night, I didn’t have the normal household weekend chores to distract me.  Wait, I take that back.  I didn’t actually pack to go to my Mom’s house, I just brought my laundry.  #klassy

I took the majority of family pics yesterday afternoon.  You’ll have to let me indulge in a few family pics!  That’s my oldest niece Sarah.  She lives with her husband Jon in Dallas.

Claire is my sisters youngest child – she’s a junior in high school.

My sister Jennifer loves me so!  Turns out I love her too. šŸ˜€

This is Jennifer’s oldest Paul – he was taken aback by my kiss – love the look on his face!

I love this picture of my Mom and Claire – Claire is a tiny bit taller than my Momma. 

Happy Mother’s Day to my SIL Laura!  Love these pics of her and her girls.


My Mom with the oldest granddaughters.  

And of course, me and my Momma.  Right after we took this picture was taken, she told me I was her favorite.  And a lot of people on Instagram DM’d me and asked where I got my shirt – Walmart. šŸ˜€

I love how the cousins are such great friends.

I had to laugh at the card I got my Mom – I didn’t realize it had a necklace in it and I told her she had to wear it like this to church next week so everyone could see her new bling AND know it was from her favorite.

And this picture popped up in my timehop yesterday – EIGHT years ago – so crazy!  Hannah was just about to graduate from high school.

I love her to the moon and back.  For anyone who hasn’t read our story – you can read it here.  She’s literally the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t imagine my life without her.  She brings me so much joy and love.

On Saturday we had a late lunch/early dinner at Poor Phil’s in Oak Park.  My sister and I worked there for years when we were young.  I forgot how good their burgers were.  This made the list of my TOP FIVE burgers – this is the top two of the suburbs – my first go to burger in Oak Park is still The Little Gem.  This is the pickle burger at Poor Phil’s – those are not french fries – but fried pickles on top of the burger and we all agreed – best tots ever.  Tots are life.

I’ll be posting the recipe tomorrow for this vegan mac and cheese.  My niece is vegan and my nephew is vegetarian, but also lactose intolerant, so this fit the bill for both of them.  I made a giant batch and this was pretty much all that was left.

I had been in a bit of a funk lately, but this weekend turned it all around.   I laughed until I cried, got lots of hugs and kisses and realize I have so much to be thankful for.

I hope everyone had a great weekend too.  If you are a Mom, a want to be Mom, or a child of a Mom who is no longer here, I am sending hugs to you all.

Happy Monday my friends, make it a great day!