Good morning!  Yesterday was again a busy day, and Wednesday’s are the days that I am night secretary so I worked until 7:00 p.m.  The next train isn’t until 7:30, and it makes ALL the stops, so I didn’t get home until 9:00 last night.

I was sitting at my desk in the morning and I got a text from ComEd that the power was out at my house.  Huh. It was a beautiful day, no stormy weather that would have knocked a power line out.  Turns out somebody ran their car into a transformer on the main road.  It took them nearly 8 hours to repair our power, and about 30 minutes before it turned back on Hannah and Jacob ordered Chinese food and they got home at the same time I did – to have the power come back on. šŸ˜€

I didn’t download any pictures yet, but you can see my breakfast and dinner on Instagram.  Lunch was a leftover burger and I never posted that because I reheated it like three times before I ate it, and it kind of looked and tasted like ass at that point.

And I ate Chinese food – probably not the best idea the night before weigh in, but it was late, I was tired and hungry.  I probably ate a cup of fried rice with steamed chicken with hot mustard sauce.  It was so good – can’t remember the last time I had Chinese food.

I did get a walk in with my sister yesterday though.  We keep walking in different directions just to see what’s out there.  Of course, food and restaurant signs are everywhere in Chicago – you could literally have a dozen choices of food in one square block.

We’d walk by a hot dog place that had a sign saying that they had hand cut fries, and Jenn and I would say “we like hand cut fries!”  Another sign asking us to come in for fresh baked cookies, and we would say “we like fresh baked cookies!”  Temptation is everywhere.

We say a sign for a candy store and Jenn still makes Easter baskets for her kids so we checked it out.  Super cute, I’ll share the pics later, but I bought a tiny bag of sour gummies and a tiny bag of chocolate covered pommegranate (sp?) seeds.  Did I need that?  No.  Impulse buy for sure, but this past week, after my giant loss last week of 4.6, I think I lost my focus just a bit.  

I had wine several times, the meal out with my Mom on Sunday with creamed spinach and lobster mac n cheese (that I still dream about!) and I only went to the gym once.  When Jenn and I were walking I told her that I thought I might skip weigh in this week, because I know it’s going to be up, but she wouldn’t let me.

We both told each other no matter what, we’d show up to WW every week, good or bad and attend the meetings.  

So that’s what I am doing.  I caught the early train to meet her for our weekly weigh in, assess the damage and move on.  Progress not perfection, right?!

Off to catch up on blog reading and replying to comments on the remainder of my train ride in – make it a great day! 

Oh, and a huge shout out to my brother Charlie for making me a new header!  I know a lot of you were sick of the one I had – and it was driving my brother crazy because it was blurry šŸ˜›  Thanks Charlie!