It’s cruel that Mother Nature can give us temps in the 60s in February, and then hit us with rain/possible snow/30mph winds when it’s almost Easter.  The kadults had work early yesterday morning, so when they leave, the dogs come into my room and snuggle for another hour with me until I have to get up.  Let me tell you, its hard to get up when you have the dogs to keep you warm!

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It was rainy, cold, windy and just all around icky.  So I made a plate of sunshine!  Open-mouthed smile

Hard boiled egg with 1/3 of a mini container of guacamole (3), reduced fat swiss lorraine (2) deli ham (2) two baby clementines, strawberries and blueberries.

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I managed to sneak out for a walk at lunch, even though it was gross outside.  Gotta get those fitbit steps in!  I decided to accesorize my lunch and happened to walk by Native Foods.  I always think of my blog friends Kris and Aimee when I go here.  I ordered the lemon grass broccoli to go, although I really wanted to order the buffalo chicken.  But, being a lower carb day, I stuck with the broccoli and what I brought from home.

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I don’t remember the menu saying that the broccoli was spicy, but it was and it was delicious!  I had a ham/cheese/low carb wrap roll up cut into pieces and topped with 1/3 cup of the mini guacamile cup, with strawberries and blueberries.

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Wednesdays I work as the night secretary, but only needed to stay until 6:00.  When I got home the first thing I did was pull out my steak to get it to room temp.  Do you guys ever buy flat iron steak?  My local grocery store routinely sells this for $3.49 a pound.  I get two steaks for that price, which is 4  four ounce servings, or only .87 cents a serving.  Who says you can’t afford to eat steak at that price?  I can buy a cup of Starbuck’s coffee for more than that!  Depending on where you live, the meat can also be labeled top blade steak, or top blade filet.  It has a nice bit of marbeling, which is why it’s 5 points for a 3 ounce portion – totally worth it – fat is flavor 😀

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I tried to make a horseradish mustard pan sauce to go with this dinner, but it tasted like ass, I was getting hangry, when Hannah suggested a simple beef broth pan sauce.  That worked!

I chopped up some asparagus and sliced mushrooms and sauteed that in the pan for about 5-7 minutes with a bit of coconut spray, then set that to the side.  Then I got my cast iron pan really hot, and seared the steak for 2 1/2 minutes a side, then set that aside.  In the pan I added 1/2 a cup of beef broth that I stirred in a teaspoon of corn starch, salt, pepper and dried parsley and cooked that for a couple minutes until the sauce thickened, then added 1 teaspoon of heavy cream to the pan and mixed that together.  Then I poured the sauce over the beef and veggies.

Dinner came in at 6 points – 5 for the beef and 1 for the pan sauce.

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It wasn’t until I finished entereing my dinner last night in WW that I realized with the three meals I ate, I was only at 20 points for the day.  Protein just keeps me fuller longer, so I don’t even think about snacking in between meals.  Today is a higher carb day, so I brought some of my steel cut oat waffles for breakfast, and think I will make chicken tacos for dinner tonight with some cilantro lime rice.

Calorie wise I was around 1100 calories for the day, and 107 grams of carbs.  Today I’ll be closer to 1500 calories and 175 carbs.

I am on my way to WW to weigh in.  I ditched weighing in at home so I never know how the weigh in is going to be.  My totally deluxe scale is now weighing in stones, not pounds, and I can put a 5 pound bag of flour on the scale and it will read anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds.  😛

Since we started out with Roman, let’s end with Roman – totally Momma dog!  He loves him Momma so – if he could be inside her shirt he probably would love it.

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Thanks for all your comments about Hannah and Jacob’s new adventure!  I hope to reply to those comments on the train ride to work this morning.

I didn’t realize I hadn’t downloaded Timehop on my iPhone 7 yet, and did a side by side comparison of me from a year ago yesterday on the left, to two days ago on the right.  I can definitely tell my face is a bit thinner from last year.  I was probably 178 on the left, and at my last WI I was 162.something.

PicMonkey Collage - side by side

Make it a great day!