Last night after my day job I had to go to the Merchandise Mart for our quarterly employee meeting.  I didn’t get home until a bit after ten and I just didn’t feel like downloading my pictures to do a regular post – turns out I decided watching the Voice on the DVR was a much better idea!  I was happy that a guy named Roger, who stepped up to be the kitchen manager, won employee of the quarter.  He’s worked tirelessly to get the walk-ins organized, the pantry, making sure we have everything for every recipe at BOTH locations.  It’s a monumental task, and he’s done an amazing job.  He was speechless and almost got a little teary, and I was thinking, oh man, don’t cry!  I cry at youtube videos of people getting married and I don’t even know them!

So one quick thing.  I brought lasagna soup in my mason jar for lunch yesterday.  When I went to open my lunch bag at lunch, the jar somehow cracked.  Luckily I pack it in a ziploc bag just in case, so I had to go to Plan B.  Well, I have love a couple dozen choices of things to get within a two block radius of my office.  I found a Panda Express, pulled out my Weight Watchers app and was pleasantly surprised that there were healthy choices there!

Chicken and green beans over mixed veggies – 6 points for the whole bowl!

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And it was still 55 degrees when I left work at 8:15 last night.  So beautiful!

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See, I told you this would be quick!  But come back tomorrow for my new favorite pizza dough recipe!  Make it a great day!