I’ve done a pretty good job of cleaning out my fridge and freezer this week without going grocery shopping.  I can always put together a picky plate – breakfast is just 2 points for the cheese stick.

Work was busy as usual – with so many secretaries out I was busy all day.  I’ve gotten nothing done that I wanted to, and I’ve decided to let it go.  No sense obcessing over something I can’t control, so if my desk is messy on the last day of the year, so be it.  Now you can start singing the song out loud “Let it Go!” from Frozen.  Here’s a fun fact, guess what movie I saw for the first time over the weekend?  Moana!  It was really good.  Hannah’s favorite movie though?  Zootopia.  Jacob bought her the DVD for Christmas and she could probably watch that movie every day and never get sick of it. 

Before work yesterday I cooked up a chicken breast and grabbed a half opened bag of mixed greens to make a salad for lunch.  If you watch my Instagram stories (and if you aren’t, why not?!) šŸ˜€ one of my tips is that if you know you are going to reheat meat for another dish, only cook it 75% through – that way when you reheat it at work or at home later, you’ll have perfectly cooked meat every time.

Only one tiny problem – the bottom of my bagged salad was already starting to turn, so I had to go to plan B.  There is a place called Mac Kelley’s that has an amazing salad bar.  You know what makes me happy on a salad bar?  All the beans!  Before this new #freestyle plan I was so stingy with the beans, but not yesterday – I had edamame, black beans, kidney beans, chick peas – so good!  I spent $5.20 on my salad, and used my own bagged Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella (1) and Bolthouse Farms avocado ranch (1) and with the sunflowe seeds (1) my salad was 3 points!

I had to work late last night but managed to catch the last express train, so after stopping and picking up water for the house, I didn’t even start thinking about what to make for dinner until 8.  You guys have no idea how close I was to stopping at Burger King though.  I pass right by one on my way home from the train every.single.day and I was stopped at the corner at a light and could smell the French fries and it smelled so good!

But with the new year coming, and my post yesterday about getting my shit together, I know each and every day it’s MY decision on what goes into my mouth.  And I knew I had a pork chop that I had defrosted and I didn’t want it to go to waste, and Hannah had leftover habachi noodles from Christmas and this carrot, savoy cabbage and pork noodle stir fry took me literally 5 minutes to put together.  And it was delish!  I forget how much I love savoy cabbage.  Dinner comes in at 11 smart points.  

If you are playing along, you’d see that I was at 16 points out of 23 for the day, but I walked in the door with blood sugar of 41 and ate half a cookie (it was big) and ate half of one within 10 seconds of me getting in the door – so that was easily 5 points.  

Tonight is party pizza Friday!  I made this dough before I left work and it will rise in the microwave all day and be ready to go when I get home.  I used regular flour this time, so 1/4 of this dough will be 6 points.

We may get more snow today, so for now, I’ll enjoy the blue sunny skies and it was a balmy 11 degrees waiting for the train this morning.

Happy Friday! If you are off work today – lucky duck!  Just going to keep my head down and power through – looking forward to a three day weekend – I’ve got lots of honey do’s that I want to do around the house this weekend, meal planning, etc.  And *gasp* I may even go to the gym!

Make it a great day!