So you know how I don’t like to be late for anything.  Well, having to meet a designated time to catch my train only makes me get to the train station a good 15 minutes before the train is even scheduled to arrive – better safe than sorry!  And if I have the extra time, I just walk around the train station to get some extra steps in.   Love the crunch of the leaves, but not loving the bare trees.

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So now that I am actually up at a normal hour, I can talk to my brother and sister via text messages in the morning.  My sister asked what I had for breakfast and I replied “hard boiled egg, potatoes, and granola banana bites.”   She also had potatoes and hard boiled eggs!

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Do you guys remember The Wonder Twins?   It was a cartoon that came out in the late 70s – which would have made Jenn and I about 10 years old.  One twin could turn herself into any animal and the other twin could turn into any form of water.  Whenever they got together, they would say “twin powers activate!”  My sister and I have been saying that for years Open-mouthed smile

Since I am so new, I haven’t scoped out any empty offices to take better pictures – so while the above photograph looks like ass, it was actually pretty tasty.  And I stocked my desk with hot sauce – whew!

My sister emailed me and wanted to know if we could meet to walk.  I finished up what I needed to get done and we decided to both leave our respective offices at 12:30 and it took us each about six minutes to meet in the middle.  We met on the south side of Madison Street.

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We ventured toward the south loop – not too far for either of us, so that we could each make it back to our desks on time.  We found more food trucks!

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I’ve heard great things about both Doughnut Vault and Jerk, but now that I have given my self a $20 budget for the week, I didn’t want to spend any money the first day of the work week.  I may make Friday #foodtruckfriday though! 

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We talked about if we did end up eating out for lunch, we’d split whatever we ordered – 1/2 the calories and 1/2 the cost! 

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It was 64 degrees on our walk – I wore a short sleeve shirt and Jenn wore a jacket – I normally don’t even wear a winter coat unless it’s 20 degrees, although now that I am waiting at a train station outside, I’ll have to up my winter gear.

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One thing I didn’t take into consideration when packing my lunch with leftover chili – I don’t have any plate wear at work – they provide paper plates and utensils, but not a bowl to be had.  Luckily I had my coffee mug, so that subbed in nicely.  When I got back from our walk I heated up some of Jacob’s leftover chili with a bit of 50% reduced fat cheese.

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When I stepped out to the train station at the end of the day, it was almost dark at 5:00 p.m. Sad smile

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But gotta love that on November 7 it is still short sleeve shirt weather!

Hannah cooked up some Tyson chicken tenders in the oven.  While she and Jacob made ramen noodle chicken finger salad, I had a taste for a buffalo chicken wrap.  This plate would have been 12 smart points if the flour tortilla didn’t taste like ass, so in the end, it was 9 smart points.  Two tenders (5) four ounces of potatoes fried in a teaspoon of canola oil (4) and LOTS of Frank’s hot sauce.  I put it into the WW app, and turns out you can have up to a cup for zero smart points.  Um, just let’s not think about the sodium though, mkay?!

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Fingers crossed my friend Jacky and I will be able to be VIP guests at The Chopping Block for the Ramen Noodle hands on class tonight.  As of this morning there were still 4 seats not sold, and as an employee, I can attend any class up to $100 with a guest for free as long as there are seats available – one of the reasons I am keeping my foot in the door there!  I’ll confirm at noon if it’s a go.   Ramen soup is one of Hannah’s and my daughter-in-law Lizz’s favorite dishes, so it will be nice to show them how to make it at home.

Now I am off to vote!  I don’t care who you vote for, just do it.  So many countries don’t get the right, and it would be such a shame for you to throw away such a big gift away!

Make it a great day!