Since I didn’t go to bed until WELL after my bedtime the night before last because of the Cubs game, let’s just say I slept in until the last possible second before having to catch the train.  I had my lunch packed, but only an apple for my breakfast and decided I would wing it once I got downtown.  Now I have to keep reminding myself that the extra $3 here and there will add up and it’s my intention to bring my breakfast and lunch at least four days a week.  There are only a handful of restaurants open at the food court in the train station in the morning.  For some reason 50 people were in line at McDonald’s and no one – not one single person – was standing in the Taco Bell line.  I thought it was because no one felt like tacos for breakfast (um, how can you go wrong with that?!) but then looked and on their $1 menu, they had an egg and bacon soft taco for breakfast.  $1.26 out the door thank you very much.

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I have to admit, it was quite tasty, especially with my beloved fire Taco bell sauce.  If I were to do this again, I’d bring a handful of baby spinach in my lunch bag to bulk it up a bit.  It came in at 8 smart points. 

Of course everyone in their brother had Cubs paraphernalia on.  This guy was selling World Series Champ shirts, and was yelling “it wasn’t a dream – the Cubs won the World Series!”

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I met my new boss. He just has a few things that are a bit . . . different.  He doesn’t like staples, he doesn’t want anyone in his office when he’s in there and well, he only communicates with me through email.  And we are kind of tucked into one corner of the floor and I don’t have anyone that sits around me, so I am kind of like an island, but as I was telling my sister this, she said “at least he’s not going to eat your food!”  True!  It will just take a bit of getting used to since I am such a social person.  I had some training to do and ate my lunch in the lunch room in about 15 minutes and then got my walking shoes on.

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Shelley and Kym – the next series of photos are for you!  When I want to leave my floor, I hit the 1 button:

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Then this screen pops up and tells me which elevator bank to go to:

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And then once I get in the elevator, it will only go to the first floor – it won’t stop on any other floor.  Still weird not to see all the floor numbers IN the elevator though!

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It was a glorious day outside – doesn’t feel like November at all – it was probably 60 degrees?  By the time I made it back to my desk I was at nearly 7k steps for the day.  It’s my goal to do #10ktilturkeyday – even on the weekends!  My office isn’t too far from the Sears Tower, sorry – it will always be the Sears Tower to me no matter who owns it.

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Crossed over the bridge a few times too and listened to the architectural tour guide:

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The afternoon went by really fast, and as I was heading into the train station, they were selling The Chicago Tribune and the Sun-Times because of the Chicago Cubs headlines – people were buying up to 10 papers!

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When I got home from work Hannah was still at work and Jacob wasn’t hungry, so it was each man for themselves.   I had ground beef that needed to be used up and it turned out to be Taco Thursday for me.  I sautéed 3/4 cup of zucchini with 2 ounces of ground beef to stretch out the beef, and used 3 corn tortillas that I fried in a teaspoon of olive oil, stuffed with romaine lettuce and an ounce of shredded 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese.  I seriously bought that 2 pound block of cheese a month ago at Sam’s Club and I still have 1/4 of it left!  This plate comes in at 11 smart points.

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I didn’t check the mail until after dinner and saw that my friend Carrie sent me a book!  She’s an avid reader and after reading this book, thought that I would like it too.  Now that I am a train commuter – it was one of my goals to start reading more books than blogs on my train ride – thanks Carrie!

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And Kym and Jan – I am planning on making the chocolate cupcakes you saw in the photo with the sweet potato cupcakes – they are actually gluten free and I am going to try the recipe out at home on this weekend in advance of my next cooking club since one of our members is gluten free.  I’ll be posting the recipe most likely on Monday – the chocolate frosting is to die for!

Alright, time to make the donuts and get my shit together – make it a great day!