When my Mom suggested getting tickets to see James Taylor and Jackson Browne last fall, we had no idea that the family reunion would fall on the immediate weekend following the concert.  The concert was at Wrigley Field in Chicago, and being a White Sox fan, that’s about the only time you’ll see me in that stadium is for a concert!


The weather ended up being beautiful.  It looked as if we might get some rain, but it held off.   I was happy that my twin sister was able to join us too!  You can really see our green eyes with the sun in our face.  And I loved that both of us wore a ruffled shirt – twin powers activate!


My Mom and our friend from church Laura (hi Mom and Laura!)



While we were in the upper section, we were in the front row – I thought our view was perfect.  You could see him just find on the jumbo tron.  I hadn’t been to a concert in so long – now cell phones with flashlights are used in place of lighters like back in the day.


Chicago is such a great city – every time I go downtown I am reminded about how much I love it.  One of the things on my bucket list this summer was to go to different neighborhood restaurants like in Wicker Park.  Dove’s Luncheonette is one place I’d like to go to.


We ended up taking the L line from Oak Park – again, I hadn’t been on the L in probably 10 years?  My sister takes it to work every day.   I really like how this shot turned out – even with my iPhone!


So by the time we got home and had a quick bite to eat because we were hungry, we didn’t end up going to bed until 1:00 a.m. and our cab was picking us up at 4:15 a.m. for your 7:00 a.m. flight!

I am one of those people who would rather be an hour early vs. 1 minute late.  As luck would have it, our cab was right on time, there was no traffic, and we sailed through security.  So we had time to sit down for breakfast.

Here is the part where I would love to show you what we had, and continue with pictures of our family reunion, but my computer is not cooperating this morning.  I can’t get the photos off my phone, I’ve synced my phone to my computer dozens of times this morning, I even tried to email myself some of the pics, even in low resolution, and it’s not working.  I’ve spent the better part of 45 minutes trying to figure it out, and well, while it is my day off, I have a laundry list of things to do today, so I am moving on.  Hopefully over the weekend I’ll figure it out and post more pics on Monday’s post.

I did yesterday put together a picmonkey collage of my eats while on vacation.  My goal was to eat at least within my points range during the day.  Although, not going to lie: wine, chips and onion dip and gelato crossed my lips too – just somehow those weren’t photographed Open-mouthed smile

PicMonkey Collage - eats

That picture in the middle?  That was from Applebees.  Yes, the grill master that I am spent 4th of July at Applebees – but I have to tell you, it was pretty good!  The 6 ounce steak was 5 points, but thankfully I looked up the points for my sides on my phone before eating – that side of green beans?  8 points!  Must have been cooked in a lot of butter.  Also, the sweet potato fries were 12 points, so I ended up eating just 1/2 of the sides, making my dinner 15 points vs. 25 had I eaten the whole plate.

I thought of getting the fiesta lime chicken, but it would have been 34 points!  But look at that cheese tho!

fiesta lime

And their oriental chicken salad?  44 points!   I don’t know how you can make a salad 700+ calories AND 60 grams of fat.  No wonder there are so many overweight people in the U.S.!


So hopefully I’ll figure out my computer problems and post more photos on Monday.  I am working both Saturday and Sunday – tomorrow is a new market for me in Glenview – I’ve not been to that one before and Sunday is my usual with my buddy Alberto in Frankfort. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend – make it a great day!