Friday morning I was pretty much just lying around, doing some work on the computer, but I have to tell you – after working the markets two days in a row, it takes me a little time to recover.  I’ll have to have Hannah take a picture, but because of all the heavy lifting I’ve been doing, I am developing some nice biceps and back muscles!  I went to visit Hannah at her coffee shop later in the day, and I was telling her I was still a bit tired, and she suggested I call it a rest day.  And while my first instinct was to say, “that’s a good idea!” I came home, switched into workout clothes and did 20 minutes of upper body and then did 40 minutes on the Stair Master.

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And I got motivation from my friend Kim.  She posted on Instagram that she couldn’t go to the gym because her son was sick, and thought of just skipping the workout, but ended up jumping on her dreaded home treadmill and got it done.  I then posted that above picture on Instagram, thanking Kim for her unknowning motivation for me, and another Instagram follower commented saying that she was sitting outside her Jazzercize class and was trying to convince herself to just go home and take a shower and call it a day, but then thanked me for paying it forward with the motivation and she posted the best picture of herself after the class was finished.  It is true, the only workout you regret is the one you didn’t do!

But guess what I watched while on the Stair Master?  Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.  I think there are too many of those shows on, but that doesn’t prevent me from still watching it!  They did a show on chicken wings.  I love chicken wings.  Like a lot.  And so does Jacob.  Hannah?  Not so much.  Well, I take that back, she’ll eat the crispy skin, but leave all the meat on the bone.   I ended up making her a pizza.  Most wing sauce recipes call for up to a stick of butter, and while that sounds delicious, I make mine a bit healthier.  This recipe is for 2 people.



I figured out the WW points to be 12 for this plate above.  11 points for the wings, and 1 for the light ranch dressing.  When the nutritional label pops up, not sure how accurate it’s going to be, because there is some residual flour that doesn’t get used.  I think my point value is pretty accurate though.


I had to go to bed at 8:30 on Friday night because I had to get up at 3:45 to shower and leave my house by 4:10 to make it to work by 5:00 because the market I did was in Downers Grove and started at 7:00 a.m.  I was actually thrilled that I was doing this market by myself – being the control freak that I am, I liked being in charge.


I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d been in Downer’s Grove, but their downtown area is really pretty.  One of my old field hockey friends Kelly lives there and I tagged her in this pic on Instagram to see if she may be able to stop by, but she wasn’t in the area Saturday morning.  And I already got next weeks schedule, and I am back up to Evanston on Saturday.  Oh well!

I brought my packed food – ham sandwich on light bread and pretzel thins.  I also had a bag of cherries, a small banana and lots and lots of water.


I ended up stopping by Hannah’s work on my way home for a much deserved skinny iced coffee.   It’s 3 WW points made with unsweetened almond milk and sugar free vanilla syrup, and it hit the spot – thanks Hannah!


And I blurred out my hands in this pic because my nails are all jacked up because of work – I need to get them long enough to get a manicure.  And after a long day of selling Vegan burgers, I decided that beef was for dinner Saturday night.  My local Jewel had t-bone steaks on sale for $5.88 a pound!  I ended up using my best beef marinade and let them marinate for a couple hours, then pulled them out of the fridge to let them get to room temp 60 minutes before grilling.



And pomme frites goes well with steak, no?   I ate six ounces of the steak (5) and paired it with the fries (7) for a 12 point dinner.  Still had 4 points left for the day too! 

Again, early to bed Saturday night, but I got to sleep in an hour longer because the markets start later on Sunday’s.  I was back working with my pal Alberto, and we killed it – making close to $1900 and running out of everything by 12:30 and the market doesn’t end until 2.  Next week the owner is sending us with a 4th cooler of veggie burgers – the record for this market is $2200 and being the competitive person that I am, I really want to beat that once this summer.


Both mornings when I left the temps were in the high 50’s – cool enough that I needed a jacket on the drive to work, and then as the temp rises, I am sweating balls.  Here’s a quick pic of all the stuff I have to put together to go to the markets, doesn’t look like much, but it takes me about 40 minutes to put it all together before loading the car.


I don’t get home until 4:00 on Sunday’s and I was really tired.  I thought of taking a nap, but the dogs wanted to play, and then I got a second wind.  Hannah got home from work and we were all starving and I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner, when Hannah said “how about Portillos?”  Um, yes please!


If you ever have the chance to try this beef, asked for it to be dipped – the bread gets all soggy and it’s really remarkable.  The sandwich and the few fries I had came in at 20 smart points, but I still ended up with 30 points for the day.  #winning

I had to share this cute picture of Rummy & Roman – they each got the same identical toy, but always fight over one.


And guess what I am watching?  Grey’s Anatomy!  I know, I never watched a single episode, but from Friday to last night I am already 9 episodes into Season One, and it’s really good.  I can see what all the hype was for all the years it was on. 

And here’s some motivation Monday.  I follow this girl on Instagram and she’s always posting positive things, which is why I follow her.

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“You’ll never know until you take the jump!”  So true – I am trying to focus all my energy on all the positives I have in my life right now, and starting this morning, spent five minutes journaling about the day ahead of me to make it the most that I can.  No one is guaranteed a tomorrow, so get up – smile – and make it a great day!