Well, the winner of my December giveaway hasn’t emailed me yet, so I had to go to Plan B!  I figured I would give her a week to respond – sorry!

But there is a new winner! 

dognutmom  (http://dognutmom.blogspot.com/)

The book sounds like it will be a fun read!

And that snowman mug would go with my Christmas dishes -)

Found this in the comments on PW’s site …

So if you can email me your address and let me know if you like tea or hot chocolate I’d appreciate it!  bdl319@gmail.com.


Lunch was the last of my white bean chicken chili – definitely one of the best chili’s I’ve made.  Sadly, Tony and I are both horrible at making chili, but I keep stubbornly trying!  I had a side salad, an ounce of tortillas (I put the chili on the chip and pour on Tabasco with each bite! :D).  I also have for “dessert” fage yogurt with apples and cinnamon. 

549 calories, 21 fat, 60 carbs
549 calories, 21 fat, 60 carbs

It started snowing pretty heavy earlier this morning, but its tapered off.  Don’t know if that means it will be a horrible rush hour or what!  That’s typically what happens.  One day last year it took me over an hour to drive home and it typically takes 10 minutes!

Lunch is almost over – I’ll see you at dinner 😀