It was cold, overcast and windy yesterday, so comfort food breakfast was on my mind!  Since I’ve been doing so many Panera runs for my boss, I’ve been using MY Panera card to get the perks.  Last week I had a coupon off of a loaf of bread, so I picked up a small loaf of sourdough bread and made a breakfast panini with an egg, baby spinach, ham and cheese and Pam “fried” four ounces of potato.  Yum!

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I have my quarterly diabetes doctor appointment next week so I had to do a blood test run yesterday in anticipation of that.  As luck would have it, my doctors office is right near Mitsuwa, a giant Japanese grocery store and food court. 

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If Tony were alive, he’d be all over those seasoned baby octopus!  Check out the price of that beef chuck roll – $59.99 a pound!  So that #17 is what I ordered.  Looks good!

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It’s basically a spicy miso soup with seafood.  Sadly, there were no vegetables in my container at all.  And SO MANY ONIONS.  I picked most of them out – but that being said, the seafood was delicious and the spicy broth was amazing – perfect balance of spicy flavorful.

Tony’s sister was coming over for dinner last night.  I had to stop by the store to pick up ingredients for my Buffalo Chicken Chili.  We decided that we are going to try to fund raise with my chili at this dinner tonight – give out 1/4 cup samples and then asking for a $5 donation for a copy of the recipe.  (Shhhhh….don’t tell them they can get it online for free – it’s a fundraiser!).   It is a $10,000 winning recipe!

So since I was picking up chicken breasts anyway, I decided to make chicken tacos for dinner.  You’ll be jealous of my chicken prices!

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I was short on time, so I cheated and bought this seasoning – it was actually really good.

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Quick and easy – like me!  So the whole point of having Jody over was that she was bringing her dog over to see how he got along with our dogs so that we can watch him over Thanksgiving weekend.  It turned out just fine.  The only thing is that being a boy dog, he wanted to mark his territory – he peed on a bag of garbage in the back room, on one wall in the kitchen (not my new walls!) and pooped in the living room.  Luckily no permanent damage, but this will be interesting! 

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I think Roman just wanted his face close to my plate!  And love that I am still sporting tan lines in November.

So today I will be doing what I would like to do every day – Cook All Day!  I got to sleep in a bit because I am meeting my Mom at her church at 10:30 and then we will be cooking up a storm all day.  I think this is one of their biggest fund raisers of the year and the turn out is excellent – today’s weather is perfect – partly sunny and a high of 45 degrees – perfect chili eating weather!

And thanks for all your comments yesterday via the blog, texting, and Facebook about the last photo that Tony and I took together a year ago yesterday.  Blog reader Bonnie (not to be confused with my MIL or Bonnie from From a Writers Kitchen!) who posted this on my Facebook wall yesterday – thank you Bonnie – it really sums it up!

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Hope everyone has a great weekend – see you on Monday!