As we were driving up to Lake Geneva for the second time in a week, I was thinking how much my Mom would enjoy this town.  I think later in the summer my Mom, Hannah and I will spend a day there walking around all the shops.

We ended up picking up a quick lunch on our way up.

this was breakfast and lunch, so I had three 😀

Lake Como was just as beautiful:

My great nephew was fishing – although he was afraid to put the worms on and take the fish off.  I hate that too, but he wanted to fish so got the courage to cut the worms in half and take the hooks out of the fish.  I may have screamed once or twice though!

Part of their resort package included afternoon tea, sherry and cookies.  Hannah and I each took a sip of the sherry – ick!

Then Hannah and I walked around for a bit.

We had a wonderful time talking with my MIL’s family.  Before we knew it, it was time to head home.  We stopped at a place close to our house.

Hannah and I were both starving, so we split cheese sticks.

Then I saw a pasta dish that I wanted, but Tony suggested I request for it to be spicy.  The chef came over and was like “what kind of spice do you want?”  Crushed red pepper, cajun. . . I decided on cajun and boy was it good.  With the sour of the goat cheese, and the spice of the sauce, I was one happy camper.  The broccoli was just okay.  I probably ate about 3 pieces of broccoli, half the goat cheese and about a cup and a half of pasta.

It was a stormy night last night.  Here are the pictures from the restaurant to our house, which is about a 10 minute drive:

Was that a gorgeous drive home or what?

Gotta scoot – Tony’s family is coming over for a bbq this afternoon before his parents head back to Florida.  Come back tomorrow for yet another baked bean recipe – its out of Bon Appetit and its called Root Beer Baked Beans!

You still have until tomorrow to enter my 300,000 page view giveaway – good luck! 😀