I forgot to tell you guys what was under the trap door!   Curiosity got the best of Hannah and she got a screw bar to pull the board up.  She got about half way through before freaking herself out and I had to take over.  It didn’t take much to pull it up, and when I popped open the trap door there was . . . .

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Nothing.  Just more hardwood floor!  I have no idea why that piece was cut out like that, and it’s likely I never will.  It was excited to think there could be a buried treasure in there though!


Breakfast was “freezer breakfast!”  I had a Jimmy Dean’s Delights breakfast bowl and an everything bagel, so that was breakfast.  I did stop at the store on my way to work to buy fruit for the week.

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I never did my grocery shopping over the weekend and decided to knock it out at lunch at Mariano’s.  I was going to get some Italian sausage for later in the week and stumbled across this giardineira sausage – um, yes please!

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While standing in line at the checkout, I saw this 2.5 pound bag of candy corn.  Lori, you know I of course immediately thought of you!

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I ended up picking up a cup of Mariano’s chili.  Their recipe card said that 1 cup is 180 calories – not bad!  That leaves room for cheese.  I knew I had a new bag of tortilla chips back at my desk for dippers.  I love eating chili like that.

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So I heat up my chili, reach into my desk drawer and wouldn’t you know it – my boss got to it.  Gah.  She ate about 90% of the bag.

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What happens is that she works long after I leave and she gets hungry.  When I asked her about it, she said “I felt like something salty.”  How about “buy your own fucking food?!”  It all works out though.  When I do lunch runs for her, I always take out money for my chips, but I think I’ll have to put a lock on my desk drawer!

So you know we went to Leghorn Chicken on Sunday – yesterday I was at my desk and saw that they started following me on Instagram – not sure when I’ll make it back there, but I thought that was cool.  I put my boss taking my food on Instagram, so you can see my friend Christina chiming in on that subject – ha!

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On my way home I got tagged on Facebook from someone I hadn’t seen since high school.  She posted this picture of the Varsity Choir at OPRF standing outside the Museum of Science and Industry – this would have been 1985.

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That’s me in front on the far right, and Jenn is right behind me. Open-mouthed smile


Construction Update!   The walls were repaired and painted yesterday – two guys did the job in just one day.  If anyone in the far northwest suburbs needs a painter, let me know and I’ll give you his info.

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It’s hard to tell but the wall on the left and the dining room wall are accent walls – it’s actually a dark grey/blue – hard to tell in this pic.  The walls are light grey and the ceiling and eventual baseboards will be white.  I have a guy coming out to take a look at the floor.  I’ve decided on engineered hardwood in a light grey.  The only problem is figuring out what to do with this “floor.”  If I just put a subfloor on top of this one, and then put the hardwood on top, it will raise my floor 1 1/2 inches and then the doors won’t work.  So we’ll have to figure out that part.  My assumption is all of this will be pulled out and we start all over.


Helen, you’ll be happy to know that I am now the owner of six pairs of shoes that are not flip-flops!  I found these shoes at our local thrift store.  One look at them and I knew they were a quality made shoe.  I paid $10 for them only to come home and look them up and realize they sell for $144!  Score!

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I always like slip on shoes since one of my feet is 1 1/2 sizes bigger than the other.  These are super comfy too!


Since Hannah has school on Monday’s, Mondays are Meat Monday!  I defrosted two more filets that I got from Denver.  This time I did a quick pan sear on my cast iron skillet with sauteed mushrooms, zucchini and a few fries on the side.  Not a bad week night dinner if you ask me!

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I watched the season finale of Ray Donovan and all I can say is WOW!  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who still has it on their DVR, but I think its probably the best written and acted show on t.v. right now.  Now I’ll just have to wait for Shameless to come back to get the same quality show on t.v.


Happy to report that my bronchitis is about 90% gone.  I still have a few coughing “fits” throughout the day, but not anywhere near what I had.  I am hoping in a couple days I’ll be able to get back to the gym.  My one blog friend Lisa said she tried to go back to working out too soon and her bronchitis came right back, so I don’t want that to happen to me.

Alright, have to scoot – it’s an overcast and rainy today, but I kinda like days like this.