I decided to only weigh myself once a month, the day to day thing had too many variables.  Maybe I had too much salt, didn’t drink enough water, etc.

Well I am down 7 POUNDS since I started this blog a month ago.  Yahoo!  Now I am 163 with a goal weight of 125-130. 

AND THE WHITE SOX MADE IT TO THE PLAYOFFS!  Very tight game last night, I could hear my husband in the living room cheering, but I didn’t want to go in there and jinx it until the game was over.   Good luck to my parents-in-law to get tickets to the playoff series in Florida!


  • 1 egg
  • .8 ounce sausage link
  • .5 ounce mozzarella cheese
  • 1 ounce spinach
  • 1.5 ounce homemade bread
322 calories, 16 fat, 23 carbs, 4 fiber, 20 protein
322 calories, 16 fat, 23 carbs, 4 fiber, 20 protein

See you at lunch!