I took a rest day yesterday and it was the best thing for my body.  Um, I think I have to remind myself that I am 47 years old, not 25! 

I had a great time at Cooking Club and opted to sleep in this morning.  I got my new Fitbit yesterday and had to reload the software this morning and sync my dashboard up to my new Fitbit, so I am back in business!

So unfortunately, that left no time for blogging today but guess what? I am going to blog tomorrow! 

By then I’ll have the Cooking Club recap done, I’ll have written out my recipe that I shared AND you’ll see all the construction finished and my living room ready to paint!

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Courtney, thank you for having us in your beautiful home – can’t wait for the next one!  See you guys tomorrow Open-mouthed smile 

Make it a great day!