Lunch is another modified version of a Jillian lunch – mine is:

  • 1 original flatout
  • 2 ounces lean deli roast beef
  • 1/2 small avocado, sliced
  • lettuce
  • dijon mustard
  • reduced fat string cheese
  • 3 tablespoons horseradish hummus
  • 4 ounces celery
  • 1/2 ounce of pretzels
Lunch comes in at 466 calories, 21 fat and 40 carbs
Lunch comes in at 466 calories, 21 fat and 40 carbs

I ended up “Pam” frying it because I like the texture of flatout bread better that way.

My co-worker and I ended up doing level 1 of 30 day shred, but I did my cardio with weights.  Then I did a walk/run for 15 minutes after that.  I thought I would be more sore today after doing her 50 minute tape yesterday, but was not – cool!

Biggest Loser Spoiler Alert

Okay, I am not a fan of Ron by any means, I think he manipulates his son too much.  But that being said, I could not help but bawl my eyes out when he finished that marathon!  First of all, I never in a million years thought he could physically finish it, but when Max walked the last part with him, and Mike was on the other side of the finish line – AND all the past seasons winners walking him in!   It was awesome.

My bet is that America will vote in Mike for the finale and I think that it will end up a close tie between Tara and Mike.  Did you watch it??

Afternoon break is over – I was going to grill out chicken breasts tonight, but its supposed to be stormy, so my back up is Classic Chicken Parmesan.  See you then!