Tony and I had our first appointment at the Mayo Clinic.  It’s hard to fathom how different my life is just 365 days later – not even – Tony died 141 days after our first visit.  I try to go back and read my blog posts from that time, but it’s still too hard.  I second guess our decisions, wonder what the outcome would have been if we left him there longer.  My timehop popped up yesterday and I saw this – my first meal at the Extended Stay America kitchen and the night before our first round of appointments.

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Sometimes I just wish I would have known that I’d only have him a few more months in my life, but I can’t second guess what happened.  This past weekend I saw a neighbor who lives a couple blocks over who I hadn’t seen since before Tony died.  He’d read the obituary in the paper and sent me a nice card.  He told me something that was true – that Tony had been through so many medical issues he said he would have been surprised if he survived another one.  But in the back of my mind I always knew he got better – even when at times it didn’t seem like he would.  Sadly this neighbor’s wife is battling uterine cancer and had her first surgery just a couple weeks after Tony died and is still going through chemo and radiation.  I need to make up some batches of my pasta sauce and take them over to them on nights they don’t feel like cooking.  I guess in life you just never know what’s going to happen.

I grabbed the last of my blueberry pancakes, but they kind of tasted like ass.  They were made last week and I think just being in the fridge they got really dried out.  I ended up eating half.

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It was super hot when I went on my walk, but I decided to go anyway.  No excuses!  I saw this on Pinterest yesterday and shared it with my 101 Days of Summer Challengers.  I even saved this picture as my wallpaper background so it is a constant reminder.

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I was beet red when I got back – so much so that everyone thought I was burnt to a crisp, even though I had 50 spf sunscreen on – it’s just that my face gets so red when I work out, especially when it’s hot and it takes an hour or so to get back to normal.  Oh, and I whitened my teeth with picmonkey – wish it was that easy to whiten teeth in real life!

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I brought some of the leftover steak from the night before last and made steak and spinach tacos.  On the side were hummus cucumbers and lots of cherries.  So good!  I knew I wanted to go to the gym after work, so I took half the amount of insulin at lunch.

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So imagine my surprise when I checked my blood sugar before heading over to the gym??!!

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That’s too low to work out for me.  Before lunch my blood sugar was 264 and 45 minutes later dropped to 107.  And I didn’t want to eat more food in order to work out, so I ditched the p.m. workout.  I had already had 10k steps already, so that’s good!

I think I’ve told you that Hannah has a Pinterest board that says “shit I want my Mom to make for me.”  It’s nice when I need some ideas for recipe planning!  I realized it had been a while since I made falafel – and all three of us love this dish so I need to remember to keep it in the rotation.  And since I got home earlier than I would have had I gone to the gym, I decided to make up some homemade naan.   This time I used sesame seeds and garlic. 

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Yep – so tender, light and slightly spicy and delicious.  And I may have used a wee little bit of sriracha ketchup on my fries!  This was actually so filling I ate just over half before stopping and taking a 10 minute break on eating, and realized I was still pretty full.  I took two balls off and will probably have them for lunch today – maybe on tostadas!

I had a good day yesterday food wise even if I didn’t get my second workout in.  We had a tornado watch in effect until midnight last night, but it must have blown north or south of us, because we didn’t get anything – it was still 82 degrees when we went to bed last night with 100% humidity.  Makes me always happy that when Tony and I were house hunting 14 years ago, we knew we wouldn’t get a house unless in had central air.  Best decision ever!

Time to get my ass in gear and get out the door – make it a great day!